function Bouncing_Bucky(f) % Bouncing_Bucky, no arguments, random self-initializing infinite loop. % Bouncing_Bucky(1), initialize and take one step. % Bouncing_Bucky(f), f > 1, take one step. % % Frames per second fps = 24; if nargin == 0 || f == 1 init_graphics; % Adjacency matrix and vertices of truncated icosahedron [B,V] = bucky; V = V/8; % Color pentagons and hexagons blue_gray = 0.9*[0 0 .5; 1 1 1]; C = allcycles(graph(B), maxCycleLength = 6); L = cellfun(@length, C); F = NaN(height(C), max(L)); for k = 1:height(C) F(k,1:L(k)) = C{k}; end FaceColor = blue_gray((L == max(L))+1, :); % Handle Graphics Transform object. H = hgtransform(Parent = gca); % Patches patch(Parent = H, ... Faces = F, ... Vertices = V, ... EdgeColor = blue_gray(1,:), ... FaceVertexCData = FaceColor, ... FaceColor = 'flat') % Initial position {x,y,dx,dy} if nargin > 0 initial = {0.5, 0, 1/fps, 1/fps}; else initial = {rand, rand, randn/fps, randn/fps}; end set(gca,'userdata',initial) end while bouncing % One step g = get(gca,'userdata'); [x,y,dx,dy] = deal(g{:}); x = x + dx; y = y + dy; % Bounce if x < 0 || x > 1 dx = -dx; end if y < 0 || y > 1 dy = -dy; end % Transform matrix with fake rotation beta = 90*(2*x+y); M = Ty(y) * Tx(x) * Ry(beta) * Rx(2*beta); H = get(gca,'children'); H.Matrix = M; % Save position for next frame set(gca,'userdata',{x,y,dx,dy}) if nargin > 0 break else pause(1/fps) end end % ------------------------------------------------------- function R = Rx(t) R = [1 0 0 0 0 cosd(t) sind(t) 0 0 -sind(t) cosd(t) 0 0 0 0 1]; end function R = Ry(t) R = [cosd(t) 0 sind(t) 0 0 1 0 0 -sind(t) 0 cosd(t) 0 0 0 0 1]; end function T = Tx(x) T = eye(4,4); T(1,4) = x; end function T = Ty(y) T = eye(4,4); T(2,4) = y; end function init_graphics clf axis([0 1 0 1]) axis square box on set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[]) uicontrol('style','toggle', ... 'string','<=>', ... 'fontsize',12, ... 'fontweight','bold', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',[.90 .88 .07 .07], ... 'callback',@restart); end function b = bouncing b = ~get(findobj('string','<=>'),'value'); end function restart(arg,~) set(arg,'value',0) Bouncing_Bucky end end