function LUTool_mzip % MATLAB zip file, a self-extracting MATLAB archive. % Usage: Run this file to recreate the original directory. fname = mfilename; fin = fopen([fname '.m'],'r'); dname = fname(1:find(fname=='_',1,'last')-1); mkdir(dname); mkdir([dname filesep 'lib']) addpath(dname) addpath([dname filesep 'lib']) L = fgetl(fin); while length(L) < 2 || ~isequal(L(1:2),'%%') L = fgetl(fin); end while ~isequal(L,'%% EOF') F = [dname filesep L(4:end)]; disp(F) fout = fopen(F,'w'); L = fgetl(fin); while length(L) < 2 || ~isequal(L(1:2),'%%') fprintf(fout,'%s\n',L); L = fgetl(fin); end fclose(fout); end fclose(fin); end %% LUTool.m function [Aout,pout,qout,Lout,Uout] = LUTool(name,n,pivs,paws,wantgif) % LUTool Gaussian elimination demonstration. % % LUTool(A) computes a unit lower triangular matrix L, an upper % triangular matrix U, and permutation vectors p and q so that % % A(p,q) = L*U % % The LUTool interface lets you select the matrix family and order, % choose the Gaussian elimination pivoting strategy, % increase or decrease the matrix order, and speed up or % slow down the animation. % % LUTool, with no input arguments, uses the defaults in LUTool.m . % % LUTool(A), with one input argument, uses the matrix A . % % LUTool('name',n,'pivot',paws), with four input arguments, uses % name matrix family % n order % pivot pivoting strategy, 'none', 'partial' or 'complete', % paws unit pause % Names of matrix families are in the string array mats in LUTool.m . % % [A,p,q,L,U] = LUTool(..) returns five outputs with A(p,q) = L*U. % % Example: % [A,p,q,L,U] = LUTool('magic',5,'partial',0.05) % % Blog: % % Feb. 11, 2025 % Copyright 2013-2025 Cleve Moler mats = {" ","magic","pascal","golub","wilkinson","frank", ... "rando","fiedler","redheff","redheff_3","binomial","gcdmat"}; lufigure if nargin == 0 name = 'frank'; n = 2; A = lugallery(name,n); pivs = 'none'; paws = 0.05; wantgif = false; elseif nargin == 1 A = name; name = 'mymat'; [n,~] = size(A); pivs = 'partial'; paws = .02; wantgif = false; else A = lugallery(name,n); if nargin < 5 wantgif = false; end end set(gcf,'userdata',{name,n,pivs,paws}) lucontrols(mats,pivs,wantgif); T = luinit(A); lupawser('start') [L,U,p,q] = LUTooler(A,T,pivs,name); if nargout > 0 Aout = A; pout = p; qout = q; Lout = L; Uout = U; end lupawser(80) lupawser('wrap') end %% LUTooler.m function [L,U,pv,qv] = LUTooler(A,T,pivs,name) Lcolor = nytcolors(3); Ucolor = nytcolors(4); Pivotcolor = nytcolors(2); ElimColor = nytcolors(5); [n,~] = size(A); titl = text(.40,.65+.031*n,[name '(' int2str(n) ')'], ... 'fontsize',16,'fontweight','bold','horiz','center', ... 'interpreter','none'); axis off stop = findobj('string','X'); lupawser(40) % Elimination n = size(A,1); pv = 1:n; qv = 1:n; dsig = 1; for k = 1:n % If column is zero, abort. if all(all(A(k:n,k:n)==0)) for l = k:n for i = l+1:n set(T(i,l),'back',Lcolor) end for j = l:n set(T(l,j),'back',Ucolor) end end continue end p = 0; q = 0; while p < k || q < k || p > n || q > n switch pivs case "none" p = k; q = k; case "partial" p = find(abs(A(k:n,k)) == max(abs(A(k:n,k))),1)+k-1; q = k; case "complete" [p,q] = find(abs(A(k:n,k:n)) == max(max(abs(A(k:n,k:n)))),1); p = p(1)+k-1; q = q(1)+k-1; end set(T(p,q),'back',Pivotcolor) end lupawser(40) u = 15; w = .9; x = (u-4-n)/2; y = (u-n)/2; % Swap columns if q > k A(:,[q,k]) = A(:,[k,q]); qv([q,k]) = qv([k,q]); dsig = -dsig; for s = .10:.10:1 for i = 1:n set(T(i,k),'Pos',[(x+k+s*(q-k)) (y+n-i) w w]/u) set(T(i,q),'Pos',[(x+q+s*(k-q)) (y+n-i) w w]/u) end lupawser(0.33) end T(:,[q,k]) = T(:,[k,q]); for i = 1:n set(T(i,k),'string',luprint(A(i,k)),'userdata',[i k]) set(T(i,q),'string',luprint(A(i,q)),'userdata',[i q]) end lupawser(1) end % Swap rows if p > k A([p,k],:) = A([k,p],:); pv([p,k]) = pv([k,p]); dsig = -dsig; for s = .10:.10:1 for j = 1:n set(T(k,j),'Pos',[(x+j) (y+n-(k+s*(p-k))) w w]/u) set(T(p,j),'Pos',[(x+j) (y+n-(p+s*(k-p))) w w]/u) end lupawser(0.33) end T([p,k],:) = T([k,p],:); lupawser(1) for j = k:n set(T(k,j),'string',luprint(A(k,j)),'userdata',[k j]) set(T(p,j),'string',luprint(A(p,j)),'userdata',[p j]) end lupawser(10) end if all(A(k,k) ~= 0) % Compute multipliers in L for i = k+1:n A(i,k) = A(i,k)/A(k,k); set(T(i,k),'string',luprint(A(i,k)),'back',Lcolor) lupawser(1) end for j = k:n set(T(k,j),'string',luprint(A(k,j)),'back',Ucolor) drawnow end lupawser(4) % Elimination for j = k+1:n for i = k+1:n A(i,j) = A(i,j) - A(i,k)*A(k,j); set(T(i,j),'string',luprint(A(i,j)),'back',ElimColor) if A(i,j) == 0 lupawser(0.01) else lupawser(1) end end end i = k+1:n; set(T(i,i),'back','w') lupawser(40) end lupawser(4) if stop.Value break end end % Seperate L and U into two matrices for s = 0.10:0.10:1.0 for j = 1:n for i = 1:n if i <= j set(T(i,j),'Pos',[(x+j+1.0*s) (y+n+1.0*s-i) w w]/u) else set(T(i,j),'Pos',[(x+j-1.0*s) (y+n-1.0*s-i) w w]/u) end end end set(titl,'pos',get(titl,'pos')+[0 s/30 0]) lupawser(1) end % Insert ones on diagonal of L for j = 1:n c = lupushbut('1',[(x+j-1) (y+n-j-1) 1 1]/u, ''); set(c,'BackgroundColor',Lcolor) end lupawser(1) % Pivot Indices for i = 1:n pvi = lupushbut(int2str(pv(i)),[x+i-1 y-2.5 0.5 .75]/u, '' ); set(pvi,'BackgroundColor',Lcolor) qvi = lupushbut(int2str(qv(i)),[x+i+1 y+n+2 0.5 .75]/u, ''); set(qvi,'BackgroundColor',Ucolor) end lupawser(1) % Determinant dt = dsig*prod(diag(A)); if min(abs(diag(A))) < 10*n*eps(max(abs(diag(A)))) dtpr = '0.0'; else dtpr = luprint(dt); end dbut = lupushbut(dtpr,[x-0.5 y+n+2 1.5 0.75]/u, ''); set(dbut,'BackgroundColor',Ucolor) lupawser(1) L = tril(A,-1) + eye(size(A)); U = triu(A); end %% lib\golub.m function A = golub(n) %GOLUB Badly conditioned integer test matrices. % GOLUB(n) is the product of two random integer n-by-n matrices, % one of them unit lower triangular and one unit upper triangular. % LU factorization without pivoting fails to reveal that such % matrices are badly conditioned. s = 10; L = tril(round(s*randn(n)),-1)+eye(n); U = triu(round(s*randn(n)),1)+eye(n); A = L*U; end %% lib\lucontrols.m function lucontrols(mats,pivs,wantgif) % Control buttons u = 15; x = u-3; y = u-2.5; B(1) = lupopup( mats, [ x y-1/4 3/2 1]/u, @lupopupcb); B(2) = lupushbut( "repeat", [ x y-1 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(3) = lutoggbut( "none", [ x y-2 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(4) = lutoggbut( "partial", [ x y-3 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(5) = lutoggbut("complete", [ x y-4 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(6) = lupushbut( "slower", [ x y-5 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(7) = lupushbut( "faster", [ x y-6 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(8) = lupushbut( "n-", [ x y-7 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(9) = lupushbut( "n+", [ x y-8 3/2 1]/u, @lucontrolscb); B(10) = lupushbut( "help", [ x y-9 3/2 1]/u, @luinfo); B(11) = lupushbut( "info", [ x y-10 3/2 1]/u, @luinfo); B(12) = lutoggbut( "gif", [ x y-11 3/2 1]/u, @lugifcb); B(13) = lutoggbut("X", [u-3/4 u-3/4 3/4 3/4]/u, @lustopcb); fud = get(gcf,'userdata'); [name,~,~,~] = deal(fud{:}); nyt2 = nytcolors(2); if isequal(name,'mymat') B(1).Value = 1; else B(1).Value = find([mats{:}]==name); end B(1).BackgroundColor = nyt2; switch pivs case "none", B(3).BackgroundColor = nyt2; case "partial", B(4).BackgroundColor = nyt2; case "complete", B(5).BackgroundColor = nyt2; end if wantgif B(12).Value = 1; B(12).BackgroundColor = nyt2; end end %% lib\lucontrolscb.m function lucontrolscb(arg,~) fud = get(gcf,'userdata'); [name,n,pivs,paws] = deal(fud{:}); switch arg.String case 'n-', n = max(1,n-1); case 'n+', n = min(15,n+1); case 'slower', paws = 1.5*paws; case 'faster', paws = paws/1.5; case 'repeat' otherwise, pivs = arg.String; end LUTool(name,n,pivs,paws) end %% lib\lufigure.m function lufigure close pos = get(0,'screensize')-[0 0 0 40]; set(gcf,'name','LUTool', ... 'numbertitle','off', ... 'toolbar','none', ... 'menubar','none', ... 'inverthardcopy','off', ... 'paperpositionmode','auto', ... 'position',pos) end %% lib\luframe.m function luframe(arg1,arg2) persistent filename im = frame2im(getframe(gcf)); gif_shrink = 5/16; im = imresize(im,gif_shrink); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); if isequal(arg1,'wrap') delay = 5; imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',delay); elseif ischar(arg1) filename = arg1; delay = 2; imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','Loopcount',arg2,'DelayTime',delay) else imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',arg1) end end %% lib\lugallery.m function A = lugallery(name,n) try A = feval(name,n); catch A = gallery(name,n); end end %% lib\lugifcb.m function lugifcb(arg,~) if arg.Value == 0 arg.BackgroundColor = 'w'; else arg.BackgroundColor = nytcolors(2); end end %% lib\luinfo.m function luinfo(arg,~) switch arg.String case "help" doc("LUTool") case "info" gcfud = get(gcf,'userdata'); name = gcfud{1}; w = which(name); if isempty(w) helpwin(['private/' name]) else helpwin(name) end end end %% lib\luinit.m function T = luinit(A) delete(findobj('type','text')) ch = flipud(get(gcf,'children')); delete(ch(15:end)) [m,n] = size(A); u = 15; x = (u-4-n)/2; y = (u-n)/2; T = repmat(uicontrol('style','text'),m,n); for k = 1:m for j = 1:n T(k,j) = lutext(luprint(A(k,j)),[x+j y+m-k 1 1]/u); set(T(k,j),'userdata',A(k,j),'backgroundcolor','w') end end end %% lib\lupawser.m function lupawser(paws) gifobj = findobj('String','gif'); gif = gifobj.Value == 1; if isequal(paws,'start') if gif gcfud = get(gcf,'userdata'); n = gcfud{2}; fname = ['html/' gcfud{1} '_' num2str(n) '_' gcfud{3} '.gif']; luframe(fname,inf) end elseif isequal(paws,'wrap') if gif luframe('wrap') end else gcfud = get(gcf,'userdata'); pause(paws*gcfud{4}) if gif luframe(paws*gcfud{4}) end end end %% lib\lupopup.m function hout = lupopup(string,position,callback) position(3:4) = 0.9*position(3:4); h = uicontrol(Style = "popupmenu", ... String = string, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Callback = callback, ... Fontname = "LucidaConsole", ... Fontsize = 16, ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); if nargout > 0 hout = h; end end %% lib\lupopupcb.m function lupopupcb(arg,~) fud = get(gcf,'userdata'); [~,n,pivs,paws] = deal(fud{:}); name = arg.String{arg.Value}; LUTool(name,n,pivs,paws) end %% lib\luprint.m function s = luprint(x) % LUTool sprintf if abs(x-round(x)) < 100*eps(x) f = '%8.0f'; elseif abs(x) >= 100 && abs(x) < 1000 f = '%8.1f'; elseif abs(x) < 0.01 || abs(x) >= 1000 f = '%8.0e'; else f = '%8.2f'; end s = sprintf(f,x); end %% lib\lupushbut.m function hout = lupushbut(string,position,callback) position(3:4) = 0.9*position(3:4); h = uicontrol(Style = "pushbutton", ... String = string, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Callback = callback, ... Fontname = "LucidaConsole", ... Fontsize = 16, ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); if nargout > 0 hout = h; end end %% lib\lustopcb.m function lustopcb(arg,~) if arg.Value arg.BackgroundColor = nytcolors(2); pause(0.5) close(gcf) else arg.BackgroundColor = 'w'; end end %% lib\lutext.m function h = lutext(string,position) position(3:4) = 0.9*position(3:4); h = uicontrol(Style = "text", ... String = string, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Fontname = "LucidaConsole", ... Fontsize = 16, ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); end %% lib\lutoggbut.m function togg = lutoggbut(str,position,callback) position(3:4) = 0.9*position(3:4); togg = uicontrol(Style = "toggle", ... String = str, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Callback = callback, ... Fontname = "LucidaConsole", ... Fontsize = 16, ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); end %% lib\nytcolors.m function nyt = nytcolors(k) % Colors from New York Times Games. nytco = uint8( ... [184 228 68 248 211 0 121 160 238 184 113 198 192 192 192]); if nargin == 0 nyt = nytco; else nyt = nytco(k,:); end end %% lib\redheff_3.m function R = redheff_3(n) % R = redheffs(n) is redheffer(n) with first and last columns % swapped to improve sparsity. See "Computing Mertens #3" in % R = gallery("redheff",n); R(:,[n 1]) = R(:,[1 n]); end %% EOF