function Aout = Mini_Gallery(type,n) % MiniGallery. Sampler of test matrices. % MiniGallery, with no arguments, displays twelve matrices. % A = MiniGallery('type') returns a 15-by-15 matrix of type 'type'. % A = MiniGallery('type',n) returns an n-by-n matrix of type 'type'. % ex. W = MiniGallery('wilkinson',21). % See also gallery. Higham's test matrices. % % % Copyright 2023 Cleve Moler if nargin < 2 n = 15; end if nargin < 1 type = ' '; end B = bucky; A = (B(1:n,1:n) + B(2:n+1,1:n) + B(1:n,2:n+1))/3; A(n,n) = 1/3; switch lower(type) case 'wilkinson', A = wilkinson(n); case 'bucky', A = B; case 'band', A = triu(tril(A,2),-2); case 'triangular', A = triu(A); case 'hessenberg', A = triu(A,-1); case 'random', A = sprand(n,n,0.25); case 'magic', A = magic(n); case 'toeplitz', A = gallery('toeppd',n); case 'hankel', A = flip(gallery('toeppd',n)); case 'permutation', A = sparse(randperm(n),1:n,1); case 'companion', A = [-(1:n);eye(n-1,n)]; case 'fiedler', A = fiedler(1:n); otherwise initgcf('MiniGallery') tiledlayout('flow') cspy(7*sprand(n,n,0.25),'Random') cspy(triu(tril(A,2),-2),'Band') cspy(sparse(randperm(n),1:n,1/3),'Permutation') cspy(flip(gallery('toeppd',n)),'Hankel') cspy(3*B,'Bucky') cspy(tril(A),'Triangular') cspy(rot90([-(1:n);eye(n-1,n)],2),'Companion') cspy(gallery('toeppd',n),'Toeplitz') cspy(wilkinson(n),'Wilkinson') cspy(tril(A)+diag(ones(n-1,1),1),'Hessenberg') cspy(fiedler(1:n),'Fiedler') cspy(magic(n)/16,'Magic') end if nargout > 0 Aout = A; end function cspy(A,type) nexttile ms = 14; co = get(gca,'colororder'); [m,n] = size(A); axis([0 n+1 0 m+1]) axis square box on set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[]) for k = 1:m for j = 1:n if A(k,j) ~= 0 line(n+1-j,k, ... 'linestyle','none', ... 'marker','.', ... 'markersize',ms, ... 'color',co(mod(floor(A(k,j)),7)+1,:)) end end end title(type) end function F = fiedler(a) n = length(a); b = ones(n-2,1); b(1:2:n-2) = 0; c = -a(2:n); c(1:2:n-1) = 0; c(1) = 1; d = -a(2:n); d(2:2:n-1) = 0; e = ones(n-2,1); e(2:2:n-2) = 0; F = diag(b,-2) + diag(c,-1) + diag(d,1) + diag(e,2); F(1,1) = -a(1); end function initgcf(name) clf shg set(gcf,'name',name, ... 'numbertitle','off', ... 'toolbar','none', ... 'menubar','none') end end