function Qube_mzip % MATLAB zip file, a self-extracting MATLAB archive. % Usage: Run this file to recreate the original directory. fname = mfilename; fin = fopen([fname '.m'],'r'); dname = fname(1:find(fname=='_',1,'last')-1); mkdir(dname); mkdir([dname filesep 'lib']) addpath(dname) addpath([dname filesep 'lib']) L = fgetl(fin); while length(L) < 2 || ~isequal(L(1:2),'%%') L = fgetl(fin); end while ~isequal(L,'%% EOF') F = [dname filesep L(4:end)]; disp(F) fout = fopen(F,'w'); L = fgetl(fin); while length(L) < 2 || ~isequal(L(1:2),'%%') fprintf(fout,'%s\n',L); L = fgetl(fin); end fclose(fout); end fclose(fin); end %% Q0.m function Q = Q0(arg,~) % Q0(n), initial n^3 solved cube, default n qstate('nstr'). q0 = 0.85*qzero; if nargin == 1 n = str2double(arg); else n = str2double(qstate('nstr')); end m = n-1; mn = m + (n==1); p = 0; Q.V = cell(n,n,n); % Vertices Q.C = cell(n,n,n); % Colors for color mode. for z = -m:2:m%^ for y = -m:2:m for x = -m:2:m p = p+1; Q.V{p} = q0 + [x y z]; Q.C{p} = (mn-[-z y x])/(2*mn); end end end if n == 1 Q.C{1} = .5*[1 .95 .9]; end if nargin == 2 Qshow(Q) qstate('Q',Q) end end %% Q2026.m function Q2026(arg,~) if isequal(arg.String,'Q20') S = "R L U2 F U' D F2 R2 B2 L U2 F' B' U R2 D F2 U R2 U"; else S = "U U F U U R' L F F U F' B' R L U U R U D' R L' D R' L' D D"; end Qpush(S) end %% Qfigure.m function Qfigure % Initialize figure window for Qube clf shg fclose('all'); sze = get(0,'screensize'); set(gcf,'name','Qube', ... 'position',sze, ... 'numbertitle','off', ... 'toolbar','none', ... 'menubar','none', ... 'color',0.65*[1 1 1], ... 'inverthardcopy','off', ... 'paperpositionmode','auto', ... 'userdata',{}) gps = get(gcf,'pos'); font = floor(gps(4)/40); qstate('font',font) set(gca,'position',[3/8 7/24 1/2 1/2], ... 'vis','on', ... 'clipping','off', ... 'userdata',eye(4,4)) initaxis(3) end %% Qinit.m function Qinit u = 60; alfa = 'LRUDFBXYZ'; % Singmaster alphabet for j = 1:9 x = 4*j+2*(j>6)+8; pushbut([alfa(j) ' '],[x 6 3 3]/u, @key) pushbut([alfa(j) ''''],[x 2 3 3]/u, @key) end pushbut( "<=", [ 2 2 6 3]/u, @bs) toggbut( "<==", [ 2 6 6 3]/u, @unscramble) toggbut( "rubik", [ 2 30 6 3]/u, @modecb) pushbut( "n", [ 2 26 6 3]/u, @nstrcb) pushbut( "types", [ 2 22 6 3]/u, @typescb) pushbut( "speed", [ 2 18 6 3]/u, @speedcb) toggbut( "metric", [ 2 14 6 3]/u, @Qmetric) pushbut( "=>", [53 2 6 3]/u, @randdo) toggbut( "==>", [53 6 6 3]/u, @scramble) pushbut( "scram", [53 10 6 3]/u, @scramcb) pushbut( "info", [ 2 50 6 3]/u, @infocb) pushbut( "apply", [53 22 6 3]/u, @apply) toggbut( "viz", [53 18 6 3]/u, @Qviz) pushbut( "Q26", [53 26 6 3]/u, @Q2026) pushbut( "Q0", [53 30 6 3]/u, @Q0) pushbut( "start", [53 42 6 3]/u, @Start_here) toggbut( "solve", [53 38 6 3]/u, @Qsolve) toggbut( "order", [53 34 6 3]/u, @Qorder) pushbut( "ops2", [53 54 6 3]/u, @ops2) pushbut( "ops1", [ 2 54 6 3]/u, @ops1) textbut( "score", [53 50 6 3]/u, "score") pushbut( " ", [ 9 54 43 3]/u, @stacker) framed_mat( [ 2 36 18 11]/u) tooltips % rng('shuffle') rng(0) end %% Qinv.m function x = Qinv(x) x = split(strip(x))'; x = x + "_"; x = erase(x,"'_"); x = replace(x,"_","'"); x = replace(x,"2'","2"); x = flip(x); x = join(x); end %% Qmetric.m function Qmetric(arg,~) arg.String = ['1/' num2str(4-2*arg.Value)]; if arg.Value == 1 set(findobj('string','Q26'),'string','Q20') else set(findobj('string','Q20'),'string','Q26') end end %% Qmove.m function Q = Qmove(op,Qin) [ax,f,sig] = axfsig(op); speed = qstate('speed'); % Fractional steps. if speed > 0 for j = 1:90/speed R = Rk(ax,sig*j*speed); Q = Qrot(Qin,ax,f,R); Qshow(Q) drawnow if qstate('gif') == 1 gif_frame elseif ~isempty(qstate('video')) video_frame end end end % Full quarter turn, +/- 90 degrees. qstate('Q',Qin) Q = quarter(ax,f,sig,Qin); Qshow(Q) if length(f) < 3 Qscore(Q) end end %% Qnorm.m function nrm = Qnorm(X,Y) % Qnorm(X,Y) = sum of singular values of X-Y. % Also known as nuclear norm. ncube = str2double(qstate('nstr'))^3; nrm = 0; for p = 1:ncube nrm = nrm + sum(svd(X.V{p}-Y.V{p})); end end %% Qorder.m function norms = Qorder(arg,~) % Qorder Number of repetitions to return to Q0 if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('string','order'); arg.Value = 1; end v = arg.Value; arg.BackgroundColor = 1-v*[.70 .25 .07]; ops1 = findobj('callback',@ops1); ops2 = findobj('callback',@ops2); ops1.String = '0'; ocount = 0; ops2.String = int2str(ocount); Qshow(Q0) qstate('Q',Q0) nrm = inf; norms = nrm; while nrm > 0 && arg.Value > 0 apply nrm = Qnorm(qstate('Q'),Q0); norms(end+1,1) = nrm; ocount = ocount+1; ops2.String = int2str(ocount); drawnow end arg.Value = 0; arg.BackgroundColor = 'w'; end %% Qpush.m function Qpush(ops) % Push ops onto stack. ops = split(string(ops)); for k = 1:length(ops) push([char(ops(k)) ' ']) end end %% Qrot.m function Q = Qrot(Q,ax,f,R) % Q = Qrot(Q,ax,f,R) % Apply rotation R, face f, axis ax % to all the cubelets in Q. n = size(Q.V,1); switch ax case 'x' for j = 1:n for k = 1:n for i = f Q.V{i,j,k} = Q.V{i,j,k}*R; end end end case 'y' for j = 1:n for k = 1:n for i = f Q.V{k,i,j} = Q.V{k,i,j}*R; end end end case 'z' for j = 1:n for k = 1:n for i = f Q.V{k,j,i} = Q.V{k,j,i}*R; end end end end end %% Qscore.m function Qscore(Q) counter = findobj('tag','ops1'); scorer = findobj('tag','score'); nrm = Qnorm(Q,Q0); if ~isempty(counter) counter.Value = counter.Value + 1; counter.String = num2str(counter.Value); end if ~isempty(scorer) scorer.String = sprintf('%7.2f',round(nrm,2)); scorer.FontName = 'Lucisa Sans Typewriter'; scorer.FontWeight = 'bold'; end end %% Qshow.m function Qshow(Q) % Qshow(Q) Display Q. Default qstate('Q') if nargin == 0 Q = qstate('Q'); n = size(Q.V,1); initaxis(n) end F = [1 5 7 3 3 7 8 4 1 3 4 2 2 4 8 6 1 2 6 5 5 6 8 7]; C = [1 3/5 0 % orange 0 3/4 0 % green 3/4 0 0 % red 1 1 1 % white 0 0 3/4 % blue 1 1 0]; % yellow gps = get(gcf,'pos'); lw = 0.5 + (gps(4) > 400); set(gca,'userdata',Q) rubik = isequal(qstate('mode'),'rubik'); cla n = size(Q.V,1); m = n-1; p = 0; for z = -m:2:m for y = -m:2:m for x = -m:2:m p = p+1; type = norm([x y z],1)/2; alfa = 1.; if types(type) && p <= numel(Q.V) if rubik for k = 1:6 patch( ... Vertices = Q.V{p}, ... Faces = F(k,:), ... FaceColor = C(k,:), ... FaceAlpha = alfa, ... LineWidth = lw); end else patch( ... Vertices = Q.V{p}, ... Faces = F, ... FaceColor = Q.C{p}, ... FaceAlpha = alfa, ... LineWidth = lw); end end if qstate('gif') == 2 drawnow gif_frame end end end end end %% Qsolve.m function x = Qsolve(~,~) % Breadcrumbs algorithhm. x = Qinv(qstate('stack')); unscramble Qpush(x) end %% Qube.asv function Qube(~) % Linear algebra and computer science power Rubik/Color Qube. % Most recent edit: '21-Apr-2023 15{2 % % L R U D F B X Y Z: Rotate clockwise, % Left, Right, Up, Down, Front, Back, x, y, z axes. % ' : Rotate counter-clockwise. % % <= : Apply inverse of most recent rotation. % <== : Unscramble with repeated <= 's. % => : One random rotation. % ==> : Scramble with scram =>'s. % % mode: Rubik, Color Cube. % n: nxnxn cube. % speed: Fractional rotation degrees. % types: Center=0, face=1, edge=2, corner=3. % metric: Quarter- or half-turn metric. % scram: Scramble count. % % order: Number of rotations to return to Q0. % solve: Breadcrumbs algorithm. % restart: Complete restart. % viz: Visibility of gui controls. % apply: Apply stack. % op: One of the keys, followed by a blank, a prime or a 2. % ops1: Total number of ops. % ops2: Order or solve op count. % stack: String of ops displayed in a window above the cube. % % Q: Cube, 3x3x3 array of 8x3 vertices of cubelets. % Q0: Initial cube showing a single color on each face. % Q20: Superflip, half-turn max scramble. % Q26: Superflip * fourspot, quarter-turn max scramble. % score: Nuclear norm = sum of svd(Q{j}-Q0{j}). % % info: ... % 02/13/rubiks-cube % 04/04/digital-simulation-of-rubiks-cube % 04/12/digital-simulation-of-rubiks-cube-with-Qube % 05/04/qube-the-movie % 05/18/rotation-matrices % 12/09/color-cube-meets-rubiks-cube % Copyright 2021-2022 Cleve Moler Qfigure Qinit Qshow(Q0) end %% Qube.m function Qube(~) % Linear algebra and computer science power Rubik/Color Qube. % Most recent edit: '21-Apr-2023 15:26:00' % % L R U D F B X Y Z: Rotate clockwise, % Left, Right, Up, Down, Front, Back, x, y, z axes. % ' : Rotate counter-clockwise. % % <= : Apply inverse of most recent rotation. % <== : Unscramble with repeated <= 's. % => : One random rotation. % ==> : Scramble with scram =>'s. % % mode: Rubik, Color Cube. % n: nxnxn cube. % speed: Fractional rotation degrees. % types: Center=0, face=1, edge=2, corner=3. % metric: Quarter- or half-turn metric. % scram: Scramble count. % % order: Number of rotations to return to Q0. % solve: Breadcrumbs algorithm. % restart: Complete restart. % viz: Visibility of gui controls. % apply: Apply stack. % op: One of the keys, followed by a blank, a prime or a 2. % ops1: Total number of ops. % ops2: Order or solve op count. % stack: String of ops displayed in a window above the cube. % % Q: Cube, 3x3x3 array of 8x3 vertices of cubelets. % Q0: Initial cube showing a single color on each face. % Q20: Superflip, half-turn max scramble. % Q26: Superflip * fourspot, quarter-turn max scramble. % score: Nuclear norm = sum of svd(Q{j}-Q0{j}). % % info: ... % 02/13/rubiks-cube % 04/04/digital-simulation-of-rubiks-cube % 04/12/digital-simulation-of-rubiks-cube-with-Qube % 05/04/qube-the-movie % 05/18/rotation-matrices % 12/09/color-cube-meets-rubiks-cube % Copyright 2021-2022 Cleve Moler Qfigure Qinit Qshow(Q0) end %% Qviz.m function Qviz(arg,~) if nargin == 2 av = arg.Value; else av = arg; arg = findobj('callback',@Qviz); arg.Value = av; end uic = findobj('type','uicontrol'); if av == 1 set(uic(2:end),'vis','off') set(uic(3),'pos',[0.15 0.90 0.8333 0.05]) set(arg,'vis','on', ... 'pos',[.96 .02 .02 .03], ... 'style', 'toggle', ... 'background',.65*[1,1,1], ... 'string','') set(uic(8),'vis','on', ... 'pos',[.02 .02 .02 .03], ... 'background',.65*[1,1,1]) qstate('rpm',10) else set(uic,'vis','on') set(uic(3),'pos',[0.15 0.90 0.7167 0.05]) set(arg,'vis','on', ... 'pos',[.8833 .30 .10 .05], ... 'style','toggle', ... 'background',[1,1,1], ... 'string','viz') set(uic(8),'vis','on', ... 'pos',[.8833 .6333 .10 .05], ... 'background','w') end end %% Rk.m function R = Rk(ax,d) % Rk(ax,d), Rotation by d degrees about the x-, y- or z-axis. c = cosd(d); s = sind(d); switch ax case 'x', R = [ 1 0 0 0 c s 0 -s c ]; case 'y', R = [ c 0 s 0 1 0 -s 0 c ]; case 'z', R = [ c s 0 -s c 0 0 0 1 ]; end fmat = findobj('tag','fmat'); if ~isempty(fmat) fmat.String = mat3(R); end end %% lib\Start_here.m function Start_here(~,~) Qube end %% lib\apply.m function apply(Qxx,~) if nargin == 1 len = str2double(Qxx(2:3)); else len = 3; end stk2 = blanks(0); while ~isempty(peek) stk2 = [stk2 pop]; end Q = qstate('Q'); %Qshow(Q) ops1 = findobj('callback',@ops1); while ~isempty(stk2) tp = top(stk2); op = stk2(tp); stk2(tp) = []; Q = Qmove(op,Q); Qshow(Q) drawnow drawnow push(op) show_stack(qstate('stack')) end qstate('Q',Q) end %% lib\axfsig.m function [ax,f,sig] = axfsig(op) % [ax,f,sig] = axfsig(op), ax-th axis, f-th face, sig sign. W = ["L" "M" "R" "X" "F" "S" "B" "Y" "D" "E" "U" "Z"]; opsm = 'RFUYZSE'; n = str2double(qstate('nstr')); [ax,f] = find(op(1)==W); ax = char('w'+ax); if f == 3 f = n; elseif f == 4 f = 1:n; end if op(2) == ' ' sig = 1; elseif op(2) == '''' sig = -1; else sig = 2; end if any(op(1) == opsm) sig = -sig; end end %% lib\bs.m function bs(~,~) % bs, backspace, inverse of first op in stack op = pop; if ~isempty(op) Q = qstate('Q'); opt = prime(op); Q = Qmove(opt,Q); qstate('Q',Q) % qstate('stack2',[qstate('stack2') op]) end end %% lib\dpmcb.m function dpmcb(arg,~) % dpm, degrees per fractional rotation. if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('callback',@dpmcb); end switch arg.String case '90', dpm = '0'; case '30', dpm = '90'; case '10', dpm = '30'; case '3', dpm = '10'; case '1', dpm = '3'; case '0', dpm = '1'; otherwise, dpm = '10'; end arg.String = dpm; qstate('dpm',str2double(dpm)) Qshow(qstate('Q')) set(findobj('callback',@dpmcb),'string',dpm) end %% lib\fmat.m function fmat(R) fmatt = findobj('tag','fmat'); if ~isempty(fmatt) fmatt.String = mat3(R); end end %% lib\framed_mat.m function framed_mat(pos) fs = qstate('font'); if fs > 7 fs = fs; elseif fs < 12 fs = fs; end uicontrol( ... 'style','frame', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',pos, ... 'backgroundcolor',0.25*[1 1 1]) del = .0015; uicontrol( ... 'style','text', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',pos+[del del -2*del -2*del], ... 'fontname','Lucida Sans Typewriter', ... 'fontsize', fs, ... 'fontweight','bold', ... 'horizontalalignment','left', ... 'backgroundcolor','w', ... 'string',mat3(eye(3,3)), ... 'tag','fmat') end %% lib\initaxis.m function initaxis(n) axis((n+0.5)*[-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]); axis off axis vis3d view(3) rotate3d on set(gca,'clipping','off', ... 'userdata',n) end %% lib\key.m function key(arg,~) if nargin == 2 op = arg.String; else op = arg; end Q = qstate('Q'); Q = Qmove(op,Q); push(op) qstate('Q',Q) end %% lib\mat3.m function txt = mat3(M) txt = newline; for k = 1:3 for j = 1:3 if M(k,j) == 0 txt = [txt sprintf('%6.0f',abs(M(k,j)))]; elseif M(k,j) == round(M(k,j)) txt = [txt sprintf('%6.0f',M(k,j))]; else txt = [txt sprintf('%6.2f',M(k,j))]; end end txt = [txt newline]; end end %% lib\modecb.m function modecb(arg,~) if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('callback',@modecb); end switch arg.String case 'rubik', mode = 'color'; otherwise, mode = 'rubik'; end arg.String = mode; qstate('mode',mode) Qshow(qstate('Q')) set(findobj('callback',@modecb),'string',mode) end %% lib\nstrcb.m function nstrcb(arg,~) if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('callback',@nstrcb); end n = str2double(arg.String); if isnan(n) n = 3; end if isequal(get(gcf,'selectiontype'),'alt') n = n+1; else n = n-1; end if n < 1 n = 7; end nstr = num2str(n); arg.String = nstr; qstate('nstr',nstr) Q = Q0(nstr); qstate('Q',Q) Qshow(Q) initaxis(n) end %% lib\ops1.m function ops1(arg,~) arg.Value = 0; arg.String = '0'; end %% lib\ops2.m function ops2(arg,~) arg.Value = 0; arg.String = '0'; end %% lib\peek.m function op = peek % peek return top op stk = qstate('stack'); tp = top(stk); op = stk(tp); end %% lib\pop.m function op = pop % pop remove op from top of stack stk = qstate('stack'); tp = top(stk); op = stk(tp); stk(tp) = []; % delete top element show_stack(stk) qstate('stack',stk) end %% lib\prime.m function op = prime(op) % op = op' if isempty(op) return elseif isscalar(op) op = [op char(' ' + '''' - op)]; elseif op(2) ~= '2' op(2) = char(' ' + '''' - op(2)); end end %% lib\push.m function push(op,~) % push insert op on top of stack stk = qstate('stack'); op(op==' ') = []; op = [op ' ']; lop = length(op); ops1 = findobj('callback',@ops1); metric = findobj('callback',@Qmetric); if isequal(metric(end).String,'1/2') && ... length(stk) >= lop && isequal(stk(end-lop+1:end),op) stk = stk(1:end-lop); op = [op(1) '2 ']; ops1.Value = ops1.Value - 1; ops1.String = num2str(ops1.Value); end stk = [stk op]; show_stack(stk) qstate('stack',stk) end %% lib\pushbut.m function pushbut(string,position,callback) uicontrol(Style = "pushbutton", ... String = string, ... Tag = string, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Callback = callback, ... Fontsize = qstate('font'), ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); end %% lib\qstate.m function vout = qstate(item,vin) % qstate(name,set_value) % get_value = qstate(name) items = {'Q','stack','stack2','speed','types','mode','nstr', ... 'scram','font','gif','video'}; nstr = '3'; defaults = {Q0(nstr),'','',10,0:7,'rubik',nstr,'4',24,[],[]}; state = get(gcf,'userdata'); if isempty(state) state = defaults; set(gcf,'userdata',defaults) end for k = 1:length(items) if isequal(item,items{k}) if nargin == 2 state{k} = vin; set(gcf,'userdata',state) else vout = state{k}; end return end end end %% lib\qtrim1.m function x = qtrim1(x) % X X'-> []. x = split(strip(x))'; k = length(x)-1; while k > 0 if x(k) == erase((x(k+1)+"'"),"''") x(k:k+1) = []; k = k-1; end k = k-1; end x = join(x); end %% lib\qtrim2.m function x = qtrim2(x) % X X -> X2 x = split(strip(x))'; k = length(x)-1; while k > 0 if x(k) == x(k+1) x(k+1) = []; x(k) = erase(x(k)+"2","'"); end k = k-1; end x = join(x); end %% lib\quarter.m function Qout = quarter(ax,f,sig,Q) if abs(sig) == 2 Qout = quarter(ax,f,sig/2,Q); Q = Qout; Qout = quarter(ax,f,sig/2,Q); else Qout = Q; n = size(Q.V,1); R = Rk(ax,sig*90); switch ax case 'x' for j = 1:n for k = 1:n for i = f if sig < 0 Qout.V{i,k,n+1-j} = Q.V{i,j,k}*R; Qout.C{i,k,n+1-j} = Q.C{i,j,k}; else Qout.V{i,n+1-k,j} = Q.V{i,j,k}*R; Qout.C{i,n+1-k,j} = Q.C{i,j,k}; end end end end case 'y' for j = 1:n for k = 1:n for i = f if sig < 0 Qout.V{j,i,n+1-k} = Q.V{k,i,j}*R; Qout.C{j,i,n+1-k} = Q.C{k,i,j}; else Qout.V{n+1-j,i,k} = Q.V{k,i,j}*R; Qout.C{n+1-j,i,k} = Q.C{k,i,j}; end end end end case 'z' for j = 1:n for k = 1:n for i = f if sig < 0 Qout.V{j,n+1-k,i} = Q.V{k,j,i}*R; Qout.C{j,n+1-k,i} = Q.C{k,j,i}; else Qout.V{n+1-j,k,i} = Q.V{k,j,i}*R; Qout.C{n+1-j,k,i} = Q.C{k,j,i}; end end end end end end end %% lib\qzero.m function q0 = qzero % Unit cubelet. q0 = [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1]; end %% lib\randdo.m function randdo(~,~) op = random_op; Q = qstate('Q'); Q = Qmove(op,Q); push(op) qstate('Q',Q) end %% lib\random_op.m function op = random_op % alfa = 'LMRUEDFSBXYZ'; alfa = 'LRUDFB'; op = blanks(2); op(1) = alfa(randi(length(alfa))); if rand > 0.5 op(2) = ''''; end end %% lib\scramble.m function scramble(arg,~) if nargin == 0 cnt = inf; arg = findobj('callback',@scramcb); arg.Value = 1; elseif nargin == 1 cnt = str2double(arg.String); arg = findobj('callback',@scramble); arg.Value = 1; else scram = findobj('callback',@scramcb); if isequal(scram.String,'scram') cnt = inf; else cnt = str2double(scram.String); end end v = arg.Value; arg.BackgroundColor = 1-v*[.70 .25 .07]; c = 0; while arg.Value > 0 && c < cnt randdo(arg) drawnow c = c+1; end arg.Value = 0; arg.BackgroundColor = 'w'; end %% lib\scramcb.m function scramcb(arg,~) % scram, number of random rotations. if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('callback',@scramcb); end switch arg.String case 'inf', scram = '2'; case '2', scram = '3'; case '3', scram = '4'; case '4', scram = '8'; case '8', scram = '20'; case '20', scram = 'inf'; otherwise, scram = '3'; end arg.String = scram; qstate('scram',str2double(scram)) Qshow(qstate('Q')) set(findobj('callback',@scramcb),'string',scram) end %% lib\show_stack.m function show_stack(stk) stacker = findobj('callback',@stacker); %{ if length(stk) > 72 stk = [stk(1:18) ' ... ' stk(end-29:end)]; end %} if ~isempty(stacker) stacker.String = stk; end end %% lib\speedcb.m function speedcb(arg,~) % speed, degrees per fractional rotation. if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('callback',@speedcb); end switch arg.String case '45', speed = '90'; case '30', speed = '45'; case '10', speed = '30'; case '3', speed = '10'; case '1', speed = '3'; case '90', speed = '1'; otherwise, speed = '10'; end arg.String = speed; qstate('speed',str2double(speed)) Qshow(qstate('Q')) set(findobj('callback',@speedcb),'string',speed) end %% lib\stacker.m function stacker(arg,~) arg.String = ''; qstate('stack','') end %% lib\textbut.m function textbut(string,position,tag) uicontrol(Style = "pushbutton", ... String = string, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Tag = tag, ... Fontsize = qstate('font'), ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); end %% lib\toggbut.m function toggbut(str,position,callback) v = isequal(str,' '''); uicontrol(Style = "toggle", ... String = str, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Callback = callback, ... Value = v, ... Fontsize = qstate('font'), ... Fontweight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = 'w'); end %% lib\tooltips.m function tooltips tip = @(x,y,z) set(findobj(x,y),'tooltip',z); tip("string", "<=", "Apply inverse of most recent rotation.") tip("string", "<==", "Unscramble with repeated <='s.") tip("string", "=>", "One random rotation.") tip("string", "==>", "Scramble with scram =>'s.") tip("string", "n", "nxnxn cube.") tip("string", "speed", "Fractional rotation") tip("string", "types", "Center=0, face=1, edge=2, corner=3.") tip("string", "metric", "Quarter- or half-turn metric.") tip("string", "scram", "Number of =>'s in ==>.") tip("string", "solve", "Breadcrumbs algorithm.") tip("string", "order", "Number of repetitions to return to Q0.") tip("string", "Q0", "Initial configuration.") tip("string", "Q20", "Superflip.") tip("string", "Q26", "Superflip * fourscore.") tip("string", "viz", "Visibility of gui controls.") tip("string", "info", "help, blog.") tip("string", "apply", "Apply stack.") tip("string", "start", "Call Qube.") tip("string", "metric", "Quarter- or Half-Turn Metric.") tip("tag", "score", "Nuclear norm distance to Q0.") tip("tag", "fmat", "Rotations.") tip("callback", @modecb, "Rubik or Color Cube.") tip("callback", @ops1, "Total number of ops.") tip("callback", @ops2, "Number of order or solve ops.") tip("callback", @stacker, "Stack of ops, click to clear.") tip("callback", @fraccb, "Number of fractional steps in rotation.") tip("callback", @typescb, "Show center, face, edge, corner cubelets.") end %% lib\top.m function top = top(s) % indices of first op in stack k = find((s ~= ' ') & (s ~= '''') & (s ~= '2'),2,'last'); if length(k) > 1 top = k(2):length(s); else top = 1:length(s); end end %% lib\types.m function t = types(arg) % cubelet types f = @(n) n+(n+3)+(n>5); s = qstate('types'); t = (s(1) <= arg) && (arg <= f(s(end))); end %% lib\typescb.m function typescb(arg,~) if nargin == 0 arg = findobj('callback',@typescb); end nstrcb = findobj('callback',@nstrcb); nstr = nstrcb.String; if nstr == 'n' nstr = '3'; end n = str2double(nstr); nn = n + (n>3) + (n>5); a = str2num(arg.String); if isempty(a) a = 0:3; elseif isscalar(a) && a == nn a = a-1:nn; elseif isscalar(a) a = min(a+1,nn); elseif a(1) > 0 a = a(1)-1:a(end); else a = 0:a(end)-1; end astr = [num2str(a(1)) ':' num2str(a(end))]; arg.String = astr; qstate('types',min(a):max(a)) Qshow n = str2double(qstate('nstr')); initaxis(n) end %% lib\unscramble.m function unscramble(arg,~) % undo. bs until stack is empty. if nargin < 1 arg = findobj('callback',@unscramble); arg.Value = 1; end while arg.Value > 0 && ~isempty(peek) bs(arg) drawnow end arg.BackgroundColor = 'w'; arg.Value = 0; end %% lib\video_frame.m function video_frame(~,~) writeVideo(qstate('video'),getframe(gcf)) end %% EOF