function censusapp2024(arg) %CENSUSAPP2024 Predict the US population beyond 2020. % This example began as an exercise in "Computer Methods for % Mathematical Computations", by Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler, % published by Prentice-Hall in 1977. The software was written % in Fortran, the predominate technical programming language at % the time. Since 1970, the data has been updated every ten years. % Today, MATLAB makes it easier to vary parameters and visualize % results, but the underlying mathematical principles are unchanged: % % Using polynomials of even modest degree to predict % the future by extrapolating data is a risky business. % % The data are from the decennial census of the United States for the % years 1900 to 2020. The task is to extrapolate beyond 2020. % % In addition to polynomials of various degrees, you can choose % interpolation by a cubic spline or two shape-preserving Hermite % cubics, and least squares fits by an exponential, a logistic curve % and an exponential of an exponential. % % spline C2, "not-a-knot". % pchip C1, shape-preserving. % makima C1, modified Akima. % % exponential exp(b*t+c) % logistic a./(1+exp(-b*(t-c))) % gompertz a*exp(-b*exp(-c*t)) % % Error estimates account for errors in the data, but not in the model. % R^2 is the proportion of variation in data predicted by the model. % % Usage: % censusapp2024 Figure width 800. % censusapp2024(figsize) Figure width 320 + 480*figsize. % censusapp2024(method) Callback % % Date: 19-May-2024. % Copyright 2014-2024 Cleve Moler % Census data for 1900 to 2020. t = (1900:10:2020)'; p = [ 75.995 91.972 105.711 123.203 131.669 150.697 ... 179.323 203.212 226.505 249.633 281.422 308.746 ... 331.449]'; x = (1890:2040)'; % Evaluation years w = 2030; % Extrapolation target z = 343; % Guess w population d = 0; % Polynomial degree r2 = 0; % R^2 level = 0; % Noise level models = {'census','polynomial','pchip','spline','makima', ... 'exponential','logistic','gompertz'}'; if nargin == 0 || nargin == 1 && isscalar(arg) if nargin == 0 figsize = 1; else figsize = arg; end model = 'census'; h = init_graphics; noise = rand*randn(size(p)); set(gcf,'UserData',{p,h,noise,figsize}); else model = arg; fud = get(gcf,'UserData'); [p,h,noise,figsize] = deal(fud{:}); level = h.noise.UserData; p = p + level*noise; h.plot(1).YData = p; end % Update plot with new model w = h.predict.UserData; x = (1890:max(2040,w+30))'; switch model case 'census' y = NaN*x; z = 324.790 + 2.64*(w-2017) + 0.0042*(w-2017)^2; case 'polynomial' [y,z,r2] = poly(h,t,p,x,w); case {'pchip','spline','makima'} [y,z] = hermite(model,t,p,x,w); r2 = 1; % Exact fit case {'exponential','logistic','gompertz'} [y,z,r2] = expo(model,t,p,x,w); end update_graphics(model,h,x,y,w,z,r2) % ------------------------------------------------ function h = init_graphics figw = 320 + 480*figsize; figh = 3/4*figw; fontsize = 5 + 9*figsize; fig = gcf; fig.Position = [300 150 figw figh]; fig.Name = 'censusapp2024'; fig.MenuBar = 'none'; fig.NumberTitle = 'off'; shg clf h.plot = plot(t,p,'bo', x,0*x,'k-', ... w,0,'.', [x;NaN;x],[x;NaN;x],'m:'); lw = 1+.06*(fontsize-5); h.plot(1).LineWidth = lw; h.plot(1).MarkerSize = fontsize-2; h.plot(2).LineWidth = lw; h.plot(4).LineWidth = lw; h.plot(3).MarkerSize = 3*fontsize; h.plot(3).Color = [0 2 0]/3; % darkgreen h.plot(4).Color = [2 0 2]/3; % darkmagenta; h.title = ['Predict U.S. Population in ' int2str(w)]; axis([1890 2060 0 450]); x0 = .18; % Upper left corner of gui y0 = .82; dx = .08; dy = .07; dw = .05; h.model = uicontrol('style','popup','string',models, ... 'units','normal','position',[x0 y0-3*dy .24 dw], ... 'fontsize',fontsize,'fontweight','bold','callback',@model_cb); h.extrap = text(w,z+20,'predict','horiz','right', ... 'color',[0 2 0]/3,'fontsize',fontsize,'fontweight','bold'); h.predict = uibut('push',sprintf('predict = %d',w), ... [x0+dw y0 .18 dw], [],[],w); h.noise = uibut('push',sprintf('noise = %d',level), ... [x0+dw y0-dy .18 dw], [],[],level); h.deg = uibut('push',sprintf('degree = %d',d), ... [x0+dw y0-2*dy .18 dw], [],[],d); uibut('push','-', [x0 y0 dw dw], @predict_cb,[],[]); uibut('push','+', [x0+3*dx y0 dw dw], @predict_cb,[],[]); uibut('push','-', [x0 y0-dy dw dw], @noise_cb,[],[]); uibut('push','+', [x0+3*dx y0-dy dw dw], @noise_cb,[],[]); h.minus = uibut('push','-', [x0 y0-2*dy dw dw], @degree_cb,[],[]); = uibut('push','+', [x0+3*dx y0-2*dy dw dw], @degree_cb,[],[]); h.r2txt = uibut('push','R^2',[x0+.06 y0-4*dy .18 dw],[],[],1); h.r2 = uibut('toggle','R^2',[x0 y0-4*dy dw dw],@r2_cb,1,[]); h.err = uibut('toggle','errs',[x0 y0-5*dy dw .05],@errs_cb,0,[]); if figsize >= 0.5 uibut('push','info',[.91 .90 .08 .06],@info_cb,[],[]); uibut('push','help',[.91 .82 .08 .06],@help_cb,[],[]); uibut('push','restart',[.91 .74 .08 .06],@restart_cb,[],[]); ylabel('Millions') end end function update_graphics(model,h,x,y,w,z,r2) % Update plot h.plot(2).XData = x; h.plot(2).YData = y; h.plot(3).Visible = 'on'; h.plot(3).XData = w; h.plot(3).YData = z; h.title = title(['Predict U.S. Population in ' int2str(w)]); h.title.FontSize = h.predict.FontSize+2; ax = axis; h.extrap.Position = [w,min(max(z+20,30),ax(4)-30)]; h.extrap.Visible = 'on'; h.extrap.String = sprintf('%6.1f',z); % Update controls switch model case 'census' h.extrap.String = 'predict'; end % Display error estimates if requested if h.err.Value == 1 errest = errorestimates(model,t,p,x,y); h.plot(4).Visible = 'on'; h.plot(4).XData = [x;NaN;x]; h.plot(4).YData = errest; else h.plot(4).Visible = 'off'; end if h.r2.Value == 1 h.r2txt.String = sprintf('%8.6f',r2); else h.r2txt.Visible = 'off'; end end function h = uibut(style,string,position,callback,value,userdata) h = uicontrol(Style = style, ... String = string, ... Units = "normalized", ... Position = position, ... Callback = callback, ... Value = value, ... Userdata = userdata, ... Fontsize = 5 + 9*figsize, ... FontWeight = "bold", ... BackgroundColor = "w"); end function [y,z,r2] = poly(h,t,p,x,w) d = h.deg.UserData; s = (t-1960)/60; c = polyfit(s,p,d); u = polyval(c,s); s = (x-1960)/60; y = polyval(c,s); s = (w-1960)/60; z = polyval(c,s); r2 = 1-norm(p-u)^2/norm(p-mean(p))^2; end function [y,z] = hermite(model,t,p,x,w) switch model case 'pchip' y = pchip(t,p,x); z = pchip(t,p,w); case 'spline' y = spline(t,p,x); z = spline(t,p,w); case 'makima' y = makima(t,p,x); z = makima(t,p,w); end end function [y,z,r2] = expo(model,t,p,x,w) switch model case 'exponential' c = polyfit(log(t),log(p),1); y = exp(polyval(c,log(x))); z = exp(polyval(c,log(w))); u = exp(polyval(c,log(t))); case 'logistic' logistic = @(a,b,c,t) a./(1+exp(-b*(t-c))); fun = @(a) logistic_fit(a,t,p); a = fminbnd(fun,500,1000); [~,b,c] = logistic_fit(a,t,p); y = logistic(a,b,c,x); z = logistic(a,b,c,w); u = logistic(a,b,c,t); case 'gompertz' gompertz = @(a,b,c,t) a*exp(-b*exp(-c*t)); fun = @(a)gompertz_fit(a,t,p); a = fminbnd(fun,1000,6000); [~,b,c] = gompertz_fit(a,t,p); y = gompertz(a,b,c,x); z = gompertz(a,b,c,w); u = gompertz(a,b,c,t); end r2 = 1-norm(p-u)^2/norm(p-mean(p))^2; end function [rnorm,b,c] = logistic_fit(a,t,p) % LOGISTIC_FIT. Objective function for one dimensional search. % [rnorm,b,c] = logistic_fit(a,t,p) % fits p with a./(1+exp(-b*(t-c))). % Returns norm(fit - p). % Uses linear fit of log(a./p-1) by -b*(t-c). % Call a = fminbnd(@(a)logistic_fit(a,t,p),a_1,a_2). logistic = @(a,b,c,t) a./(1+exp(-b*(t-c))); A = [t ones(size(t))]; rhs = log(a./p-1); f = A\rhs; b = -f(1); c = f(2)/b; r = logistic(a,b,c,t) - p; rnorm = norm(r); end function [rnorm,b,c] = gompertz_fit(a,t,p) %GOMPERTZ_FIT. Objective function for one dimensional search. % [rnorm,b,c] = gompertz_fit(a,t,p) % fits p with a*exp(-b*exp(-c*t))). % Returns norm(fit - p). % Uses linear fit of log(log(a/p)) by log(-b)-c*t. % Call a = fminbnd(@(a)gompertz_fit(a,t,p),a_1,a_2). gompertz = @(a,b,c,t) a*exp(-b*exp(-c*t)); A = [t ones(size(t))]; rhs = log(log(a./p)); f = A\rhs; b = exp(f(2)); c = -f(1); r = gompertz(a,b,c,t) - p; rnorm = norm(r); end function model_cb(~,~) m = get(h.model,'value'); censusapp2024(models{m}) end function predict_cb(arg,~) sig = 2*(get(arg,'string') == '+') - 1; w = get(h.predict,'userdata'); w = w + sig*(1 + 9*(w > 2039)); axis([1890 max(2030,w+20) 0 max(450,3*(w-1890))]) h.predict.String = sprintf('predict = %d',w); h.predict.UserData = w; model_cb end function noise_cb(arg,~) sig = 2*(get(arg,'string') == '+') - 1; level = get(h.noise,'userdata'); level = max(0,level + 10*sig); h.noise.String = sprintf('noise = %d',level); h.noise.UserData = level; model_cb end function degree_cb(arg,~) sig = 2*(get(arg,'string') == '+') - 1; d = get(h.deg,'userdata'); d = min(12,max(0,d + sig)); h.deg.String = sprintf('degree = %d',d); h.deg.UserData = d; model_cb end function r2_cb(arg,~) onoff = {'on','off'}; h.r2txt.Visible = onoff{2-get(arg,'value')}; end function errs_cb(~,~) model_cb end function info_cb(~,~) web(['' ... 'a-sixty-year-old-program-for-predicting-the-future'], ... '-notoolbar'); end function help_cb(~,~) helpwin('censusapp2024') end function restart_cb(~,~) censusapp2024 end function errest = errorestimates(model,t,p,x,y) % Provide error estimates for censusapp2024 switch model case 'polynomial' d = get(h.deg,'userdata'); if d > 0 V(:,d+1) = ones(size(t)); s = (t-1960)/60; for j = d:-1:1 V(:,j) = s.*V(:,j+1); end [Q,R] = qr(V); r = p - V*(R\(Q'*p)); R = R(1:d+1,:); RI = inv(R); E = zeros(length(x),d+1); s = (x-1960)/60; for j = 1:d+1 E(:,j) = polyval(RI(:,j),s); end rho = norm(r,inf)+1; e = rho*sqrt(1+diag(E*E')); errest = [y-e; NaN; y+e]; else errest = [y-NaN; NaN; y+NaN]; end case {'exponential','logistic','gompertz'} V = [ones(size(t)) log(t)]; [Q,R] = qr(V); q = R\(Q'*log(p)); r = log(p) - V*q; E = [ones(size(x)) log(x)]/R(1:2,1:2); rho = norm(r,inf); e = rho*sqrt(1+diag(E*E')); errest = [y.*exp(-e); NaN; y.*exp(e)]; case {'pchip','spline','makima'} n = length(t); I = eye(n,n); E = zeros(length(x),n); for j = 1:n switch model case 'pchip' E(:,j) = pchip(t,I(:,j),x); case 'spline' E(:,j) = spline(t,I(:,j),x); case 'makima' E(:,j) = makima(t,I(:,j),x); end end rho = 1; e = rho*sqrt(1+diag(E*E')); errest = [y-e; NaN; y+e]; otherwise errest = [y; NaN; y]; end % switch end % errorestimates end % censusapp2024