Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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搜索结果: 2014

CheerLights Arduino Sketch for FastLED Compatible Lights #featurefriday

We just created a FastLED and Arduino tutorial and Arduino Sketch to read in the latest CheerLights color and display it on FastLED compatible lights. CheerLights is a global network of colored… 更多内容 >>

Templates for Plugin Widgets #featurefriday 1

Plugin Widgets allow you to create custom visualizations for your ThingSpeak Channels by using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. We just added a new feature that allows you to start with templates. We… 更多内容 >>

Instant TweetControls #featurefriday

We spent some time enhancing our TweetControl App. TweetControl allows you to control things with Twitter. You setup a TweetControl to listen for a keyword mentioned on Twitter and we execute any web… 更多内容 >>

Sending Tweets Automatically Every Morning With TimeControl

TimeControl can be used to send Tweets automatically at predetermined times.  In this tutorial, we’ll be sending a Tweet every weekday with the current time and the current CheerLights… 更多内容 >>

[Instructables] Wi-Fi Temperature Data Logger

[noel portugal] is at it again! This time Noel created a simple Wi-Fi based sensor data logger using ThingSpeak, the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, and a digital temperature sensor. At the heart of the… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Introduces New Internet of Things App – TimeControl 3

A ThingSpeak App is a service offered by ThingSpeak that runs in the cloud to help you build connected projects and release connected products for the Internet of Things. We are happy to announce… 更多内容 >>

Internet of Things #throwbackthursday #tbt #iot

It’s Throwback Thursday!
We have come a long way since building cloud platforms for connected devices – now known as “The Internet of Things”. Here’s what our first… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Data Channels – Now With More Metadata 3

ThingSpeak user [DodBasim]  requested an additional field inside of the ThingSpeak Data Channel. We named this new field “metadata”. This field works like the “status” field,… 更多内容 >>

[Official Tutorial] Monitoring Linux Server Statistics 2

ThingSpeak can be used to easily monitor CPU usage %, memory usage %, and disk usage % on any Linux machine connected to the internet.
First, create a new Channel, and fill out the field names as… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Selects Phusion Passenger Enterprise to Power its Internet of Things API

The servers behind ThingSpeak have been slammed with data from all kinds of IoT devices and applications. We recently upgraded the entire backend of ThingSpeak and increased capacity to support our… 更多内容 >>

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