Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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Results for: 2016

Weather Station with Particle, SparkFun, ThingSpeak, and MATLAB

[Haodong Liang] has released a weather station project with full MATLAB data analysis, device source code, and procedures on He used the Particle Electron to connect the SparkFun weather… read more >>

IoT Quick Start With the Arduino MKR1000 and ThingSpeak 6

If you are looking to start with the Internet of Things, then try out the Arduino MKR1000 and connect it to the ThingSpeak IoT Platform. We have put together a complete tutorial that uses the MKR1000… read more >>

ThingView – Mobile App to See ThingSpeak Charts on Android Devices 5

Cinetica has released to Google Play, a new app to see ThingSpeak charts on Android smartphones and tablets. The app is called ThingView and has already reached 5,000 installs on Android… read more >>

ThingSpeak is a New Hackster Platform for Sharing Projects announced that ThingSpeak is now a platform on their project sharing website!

The ThingSpeak platform joins the likes of Amazon Echo, ESP8266 Wi-Fi, and platform. ThingSpeak… read more >>

Explore your IoT data with ThingSpeak and MATLAB

Loren Shure, a blogger at MATLAB Central, has written a new blog post about Eric Wetjen’s Counting Cars and Analyzing Traffic project. Eric uses a Raspberry Pi and webcam to capture traffic… read more >>

New MATLAB Analysis Feature – movmax – for ThingSpeak

My power meter at my house reports its power every few minutes. I capture that data and send it to ThingSpeak. The value reported is the total kilowatt-hour (kWh). I would love to see the maximum… read more >>

Getting Started with IoT using the Particle Electron and ThingSpeak 2

Julien Vanier over at created a new tutorial showing you how to get started with the Internet of Things using the new Particle Electron and ThingSpeak.

The Electron is a new 3G connected…

Uber Ride Analysis with ThingSpeak and MATLAB

Have you ever wondered how long it will take to get an Uber at your location? This project uses ThingSpeak to log the ETA for an Uber service based on your latitude and longitude. We will use… read more >>

Reacting to Events in Your Data With MATLAB 4

Chris Hayhurst uses a solar water heater at his house to lower energy costs and use hot water in his house heated up by the sun. Chris is a consulting manager for The MathWorks and partnered with the… read more >>

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