Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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Results for: web of things

ThingSpeak Launches New Website

Things want to speak…
We keep hearing about how many Billions and Billions of things there will be connected. Just think about how much data that they will create! Yep, it’s Big Data, or… read more >>

New API for Public ThingSpeak Channels Makes it Easy to Discover Open Data

ThingSpeak is growing quickly these days. Our traffic is high and the user growth is soaring. Thanks to everyone for your interest and patience as we continue to stabilize, add more servers, and add… read more >>

Send Tweets using Arduino Ethernet [Updated Tutorial] 4

We have updated our ThingTweet Tutorial to cover the Arduino Ethernet and the new Arduino IDE (v1 and above). ThingTweet is a ThingSpeak App that allows you to send Twitter status updates via your… read more >>

Slot Car Race Powered by Twitter

The community from RS Components created a Scalextric Slot Car Race that is powered by your tweets. Two cars went head-to-head last week with a live Twitter race between a red and blue car. The cars… read more >>

Interfacing with Cloud Services using Flyport + ThingSpeak

The team behind openPICUS has created an Application Note to help you jump-start your “Internet of Things” project by adding wireless technology with the Flyport and cloud services with… read more >>

CheerLights: Connecting Lights Together to Bring Us Closer

It’s that time of year… holiday time and family time. I was inspired this time to create a project that brings us a little closer. Lights are a big part of the holidays and with… read more >>

ThingSpeak visits the Pittsburgh Ruby Users Group

Hans Scharler is stopping by the monthly meeting of the Pittsburgh Ruby Users Group. The topic on the agenda is ThingSpeak, an open source Ruby on Rails application for the Internet of Things. The… read more >>

Internet of Things: Connected devices to save our resources

How will connected devices change our lives? We believe the future is going to be filled with connected devices and new applications will emerge. Everything from medical applications to energy… read more >>

ProgrammableWeb Includes the ThingSpeak API

Big news!
The mashup community ProgrammableWeb indexed the ThingSpeak API and the ThingSpeak Chart API. We entered the category of “Other”. Just imagine what web developers will create… read more >>

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