Palindrome Numbers
Today I'd like to introduce a guest blogger, Mike Garrity, who is a graphics software developer at The MathWorks. Although his degree was in computational fluid dynamics, he has spent most of the last 25 years designing graphics hardware, rendering pipelines, and visualization software.
Some numbers like 323 are palindromes. Other numbers like 124 are not. But look what happens when I add that number to a reversed copy of itself.
124 +421 ---- 545
Let’s try another.
150 +051 ---- 201
No, that didn’t work, but what if I keep going?
201 +102 ---- 303
There, it became a palindrome again. Let’s try another one.
291 +192 ---- 483
483 +384 ---- 867
867 +768 ---- 1635
1635 +5361 ----- 6996
That took several turns, but it did become a palindrome. I wonder what the pattern is. Let’s write a program to find out. I'll have it return the number of iterations and the final number.
The Code
Here's the code for producing palindrome numbers.
type pal196
function [n p] = pal196(in) % Compute the number of iterations of % reverse and add which are required % to convert a number into a palindrome. % % Here are some fun ones. % - 147996 % - 1000689 % - 9008299 % n = 0; maxn = 10000; a = num_to_array(fix(in)); while ~all(a == fliplr(a)) a = add_rev(a); n = n+1; if (n > maxn) error('Palindrome:TooManyDigits', ... ['Giving up on ', num2str(in), ' at ' num2str(n), ... ' iterations, value = ' array_to_str(a)]); end end if (nargout == 2) p = array_to_str(a); end end function a = num_to_array(in) % Convert a number into an array of digits % a = []; while (in >= 1) a = [mod(in, 10), a]; in = floor(in/10); end end function out = add_rev(in) % Add an array of digits to a reversed copy % of itself. % out = in + fliplr(in); for idx=size(out,2):-1:1 carry = 0; if (out(idx) >= 10) carry = 1; out(idx) = mod(out(idx),10); end if (carry > 0) if (idx > 1) out(idx-1) = out(idx-1) + carry; else out = [carry out]; end end end end function str = array_to_str(a) % Format an array of digits as a text string. % len = length(a); lead = mod(length(a)-1, 3)+1; str = sprintf('%d', a(1:lead)); if len > 3 str = [str, sprintf(',%d%d%d', a(lead+1:end))]; end end
Explore the First Few Numbers
If I run that for all of the numbers from 1 to 100 and plot the number of iterations, I get this plot.
counts = zeros(1,100); for idx=1:100 counts(idx) = pal196(idx); end bar(counts);

That’s interesting. It looks like there’s a pattern, but I don’t quite get it. Let's keep going.
counts=zeros(1,200); firstfailed = []; try for idx=1:200 counts(idx) = pal196(idx); end catch ME firstfailed = idx; end if ~isempty(firstfailed) disp(['Failure occurred for n = ', num2str(idx)]) end if exist('ME', 'var') ME ME.message(1:45) [ME.message(46:72),'..........', ME.message(end-27:end)] end
Failure occurred for n = 196 ME = MException Properties: identifier: 'Palindrome:TooManyDigits' message: [1x5591 char] cause: {} stack: [6x1 struct] ans = Giving up on 196 at 10001 iterations, value = ans = 6,643,864,828,137,164,591,..........,691,854,727,307,295,584,356
For the number 196, it quit at 10,000 iterations. At that point, the number had 4,159 digits. Wow, that's a big number!
Does It Ever Become a Palindrome?
So 196 doesn't work. Or does it? What if we ran it longer before giving up? Do you think that it would converge on a palindrome if we went further?
How far can you run it out?
Before we try to go too far, perhaps we should optimize the code a bit. What could you change to make it run faster and use less memory?
Here's a few interesting references to follow up on this topic.
Other Values?
What other numbers can you find that behave like 196? Also, some of the numbers that don't seem to converge seem to fall into a small number of common patterns. Can you identify any of these (by numeric experimentation preferably, not web look up)? Please add your observations here.
- 범주:
- Puzzles
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