Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 34

Results for: 2015

Individual Axis Customization 2

The R2015b release contains some new features for individual axis customization. Ben Hinkle, who works with the graphics team sometimes, goes through a number of plotting scenarios where these features can help simplify your code. This post shows some nicer techniques for making these pretty plots using R2015b vs. those in Loren's recent post using early versions of MATLAB.... read more >>

Text Mining Shakespeare with MATLAB 4

Have you ever wondered how Google provides the auto-complete feature in Google Suggest? Or sometimes you see results of hilarious or annoying auto-correct features on your smartphone? Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, explains a natural language processing approach through a fun text mining example with Shakespeare.... read more >>

Finding the Closest Value Less than a Threshold 15

I just got asked a question about a good way to find the closest value in a vector that was less than a threshold. My solution is fairly short, and demonstrates some of my favorite MATLAB techniques. I will compare also show you an "obvious" solution.... read more >>

Artificial Neural Networks for Beginners 5

Deep Learning is a very hot topic these days especially in computer vision applications and you probably see it in the news and get curious. Now the question is, how do you get started with it? Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, gives us a quick tutorial on artificial neural networks as a starting point for your study of deep learning.... read more >>

Incremental Delaunay Construction

I'm happy to welcome back Damian Sheehy as guest blogger. Last time Damian wrote about how Natural Neighbor interpolation addresses FAQs in scattered data interpolation. In this blog he will answer a FAQ on adaptively editing a Delaunay triangulation.... read more >>

Natural Neighbor – A Superb Interpolation Method 16

I'm happy to welcome Damian Sheehy as this week's guest blogger. Damian works on the development of geometry-related features at MathWorks. He will provide answers to two frequently asked questions; one on scattered data interpolation that he will cover in this blog and the other on Delaunay triangulation that he will cover in the next. Over to you, Damian...... read more >>

How Do You Modify the Background of an Image? 2

Today I'd like to introduce guest blogger Brett Shoelson. Some of you may know Brett through his File Exchange submissions, or through his involvement with the Pick of the Week blog, or from occasional guest posts on Steve’s blog on image processing.... read more >>

Getting Started with Kaggle Data Science Competitions 5

Have you been interested in data science competitions, but not sure where to begin? Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, would like to give a quick tutorial on how to get started with Kaggle using MATLAB.... read more >>

Advice for Making Prettier Plots 5

A few years ago, Jiro wrote a popular post for making pretty plots on this blog. We also host a blog specifically about graphics by Mike. And with the R2014b release of MATLAB came an updated graphics system that Dave described last year in a 3 part series: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.... read more >>

Including External Code in Published Document 10

When I wanted to show you a code snippet in the past, I displayed the code in the text of my blog post.... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 34