Last week The MathWorks released R2008a, the ninth in a series of six-month releases. (If there's an equinox coming up, look for a new MATLAB® release!)
Here are some of the highlights especially related to image processing. The Image Processing ToolboxTM, the Image Acquisition ToolboxTM, and the Video and Image Processing BlocksetTM all had minor upgrades.
Image Processing Toolbox enhancements include:
- The previous release added the ability to read a high dynamic-range (HDR) image and convert it to RGB. With the new release, you can construct a new high dynamic-range image from multiple exposures and then write it out to an HDR file.
- The regionprops function now supports gray-scale images and measurements.
- You can use imshow to display very large TIFF images using subsampling.
- The ROI tools (imellipse, imfreehand, imline, impoint, impoly, imrect, imroi) have several minor enhancements, including wait and resume methods for using them from a script, as well as the ability to interactively add vertices to an existing polygon ROI.
- You can more easily convert between RGB and CMYK color spaces using makecform and applycform.
- The function iccwrite can create smaller profile files in some cases.
- The function cp2tform supports the new transform types similarity and nonreflective similarity.
Image Acquisition Toolbox enhancements include:
- Hamamatsu hardware support
- National Instruments® RTSI support
And here are some of the Video and Image Processing Blockset enhancements:
- Use of RANSAC or Least Median of Squares algorithms to infer geometric transforms.
- More blocks support multidimensional inputs.
Note: If you are a Simulink® user, then you should really be reading Seth's new Simulink blog!
Finally, here are a couple of enhancements for the MATLAB image format functions:
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