Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

MTEST update, plus Help Browser integration info

Earlier this week I posted an update to my MTEST unit test framework on the File Exchange. I wasn't completely happy with my assertion function for comparing floating-point numbers using a tolerance, so I added two new ones: assertElementsAlmostEqual and assertVectorsAlmostEqual. I also fixed a problem with the way mtest was scanning the current directory in order to find test files.

Last week someone asked me about integrating the MTEST doc in the MATLAB Help Browser, so I looked into that. It is possible, as it turns out. There's a detailed explanation of how to do that in the MATLAB Helper Browser documentation. See the section on Adding HTML Help Files for Your Own Toolbox. Using this explanation, I was able to have the MTEST documentation appear in the Help Browser. If you distribute your own MATLAB code for others you use, you might want to give this a try.

  • print


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