Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 431 - 440 of 478

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Labeling labeled objects 82

A post in comp.soft-sys.matlab this week (see the third post in this thread) asked how to display graphically the numerical labels associated with each labeled object. In this blog I'll show a... 続きを読む >>

Bit slices

Blog reader Kathirvel wanted to know more about the MATLAB default image and how it was formed. I'll show briefly how it was done, using a small magic square and a Pascal matrix. m =...

Blog reader Kathirvel wanted to know more about the MATLAB default image and how it was formed.

I'll show briefly how it was done, using a small magic square and a Pascal matrix.

Nonflat grayscale dilation and erosion 22

Blog reader Alex asked for an explanation of nonflat grayscale dilation and erosion. In the most commonly-used form of dilation, the structuring element defines a neighborhood of a pixel. In... 続きを読む >>

Software development tools for engineers 9

Back in September I wrote that I would be attending the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing this month, and that I would be giving a seminar on software development tools and... 続きを読む >>

Getting MATLAB code from blog postings 8

Back in January, I wrote that I was using the MATLAB publish feature to generate some of my blog posts. Since then, I've used publish for almost every post. I write my post as a MATLAB script, and... 続きを読む >>

Hough transform coordinate system 19

Reader JP asked me about my recent blog post on the Hough transform. Specifically, she wanted to know exactly how the rho-theta coordinate system was defined. When I answered her question, ... 続きを読む >>

The Story Behind the MATLAB Default Image 13

Image display was added in version 4 of MATLAB, sometime around 1990. Many observant users noticed that the low-level image display object had default pixel values. In other... 続きを読む >>

Separable convolution 26

The sci.image.processing newsgroup had a discussion this week on separable filters, which reminded me that separability has been on my blog topic ideas list for a while now. ... 続きを読む >>

Dilation, erosion, and the morphological gradient 53

The morphological operator dilation acts like a local maximum operator. Erosion acts like a local minimum operator. You can use them together to compute something called the... 続きを読む >>

Unusual red-eye reduction technique 5

I was amused by this portion of a product description for a digital camera. I'm not sure that this is what I would expect from a red-eye reduction algorithm, but you have to admit it's a pretty... 続きを読む >>

Posts 431 - 440 of 478