Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

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Posts 61 - 67 of 67

結果: Level: Advanced

Advanced MATLAB: Capturing data from an instrument

In an earlier post, I covered how to collect data from a data acquisition board. This post will do something similar for an oscilloscope. This time instead of using the Data Acquisition Toolbox we… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: Varargin and Nargin- variable inputs to a function 6

Most MATLAB functions are overloaded. That means that there are several ways to call them and that MATLAB will “Do The Right Thing” based on the number and types of inputs. As a simple… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: ButtonDownFcn 1

This is the next in a series of advanced topics in MATLAB. My definition of “Advanced” is somewhat nebulous and arbitrary, so even newer users can give this a watch. Two and a half… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: Compiling a GUI 63

This video shows how to use DEPLOYTOOL to create a project and compile it so that it can be used outside of MATLAB, meaning you can give it to someone that does not own MATLAB and they can still run… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: Data acquisition in MATLAB 26

MATLAB is often used for post-test data analysis. You can get more value from your data acquisition session if you do the MATLAB analysis on the data as it is being collected. This can be done by… 続きを読む >>

Practical example: Setting transparency on a patch 2

First, be sure to check out the new home of LazyWeb. We had three of the challenges closed, but there are three still open. We are sending out MATLAB prize packages to all that solved a challenge,… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: Surface plot of nonuniform data 36

Two minute video shows how to fit a surface to nonuniform data. Real data is not always on a nice X,Y grid, but the MATLAB commands SURF and MESH expect them to be. GRIDDATA and MESHGRID help to… 続きを読む >>

Posts 61 - 67 of 67