A long time ago in a blog post far, far away… Andy wrote about Han Solo Encapsulation – to keep Jabba’s “system working as designed he needed to encapsulate his system behind... 続きを読む >>
Han Solo Revisited 13
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A long time ago in a blog post far, far away… Andy wrote about Han Solo Encapsulation – to keep Jabba’s “system working as designed he needed to encapsulate his system behind... 続きを読む >>
My people! Oh how I have missed you. It has been such a long time since we have talked about some developer workflow goodness here on the blog. I have found it hard to sit down and write up more... 続きを読む >>
The official guidance on test-driven development is to follow the red-green-refactor cycle:... 続きを読む >>
Let’s send some emails!Imagine you write a function that sends an email to a customer. Your initial function call might look like this: ... 続きを読む >>