Startups, Accelerators, & Entrepreneurs

Stories and news from the startup community

搜索结果: 2020

Startup Shorts – WaveSense Enables Self-Driving Vehicles to Navigate in Challenging Road Conditions

Autonomous car technology has made enormous advances within the past decade, yet as far as the technology has come, these developments are not without their challenges when inclement weather comes… 更多内容 >>

MathWorks Collaborates with MobilityXlab to Award Top Startups

MathWorks recently partnered with Swedish collaboration hub MobilityXlab to bring forth the Future Mobility Awards. The two organizations have offices just minutes away within the global hub… 更多内容 >>

A Brief Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink for Startups 2

MathWorks is well known for their flagship products, MATLAB and Simulink, by engineers, scientists, students, and users of all backgrounds in both commercial and academic settings. Within the past… 更多内容 >>

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