Startups, Accelerators, & Entrepreneurs

Stories and news from the startup community

Posts 11 - 20 of 38

Startup Spotlight: Olympian Motors is Bringing a New Fleet of EVs to the Streets

Across the river from New York City, a small team is blending modern-day technology with a vision of the past. The streets of the Brooklyn Navy Yard are the test bed for Olympian Motors’ new,… 続きを読む >>

Startup Shorts: Range Aero uses Model-Based Design to Develop Unmanned Delivery Drones 1

Today’s e-commerce has eliminated the need to shop at a physical store. Consumers can and do have nearly anything delivered—groceries, medications, even a car. This convenience comes at a cost in… 続きを読む >>

MathWorks Application Engineering: Who are they and why should startups engage with them?

Trusted Advisors – when I asked James Wiken to describe what the role of application engineering at MathWorks was, his answer in the simplest form was to act as trusted advisors to our… 続きを読む >>

Startup Spotlight: With Best Engineering Essential Responsibility (WithBEER) Creates a Safer Electrical System Testing Environment for Engineers (스타트업 스포트라이트: 위드비어(WithBEER – With Best Engineering & Essential Responsibility) – 엔지니어에게 더욱 안전한 전기 시스템 테스트 환경 조성 사례)

This article has been translated from it’s original English version.
이 기사는 MathWorks의 스타트업 프로그램 인턴인 Ami Sao가 작성했습니다. 그녀는 현재 터프츠 대학교(Tufts University)에서 공학 심리학 학사 과정을 밟고 있는 학생입니다.
혹시라도… 続きを読む >>

Startup Spotlight: CalWave Converts Ocean Waves into Renewable Energy

Ocean waves are one of the biggest unlimited renewable energy sources in the world and have the potential to generate 20-30% of global energy needs. Even though wave energy is unaffected by season or… 続きを読む >>

Startup Spotlight: Drone Startup Bridges the Gap Between Academia and Industry

This startup feature was written by Michael Hayes from MathWorks Startup Marketing Team.
The startup story of ANT-X, like so many others, has its origins in a university. The startup is a spin-off… 続きを読む >>

Startup Shorts: Developing Personalized Brain Stimulation Therapy with Real-Time Simulation

Neuropsychiatric disease numbers are increasing. As more people are impacted by these diseases such as depression, OCD, or stroke, there is a growing need for treatment options. Traditional… 続きを読む >>

Startup Spotlight: With Best Engineering Essential Responsibility (WithBEER) Creates a Safer Electrical System Testing Environment for Engineers

This article was written by Ami Sao, the Startup Program Intern at MathWorks. She is a student at Tufts University currently pursuing her BS in Engineering Psychology. 
Contrary to what you… 続きを読む >>

Startup Spotlight: Bioo – Creando un Espacio Verde Autosuficiente

Artículo redactado por Ami Sao y traducido por Elias Ouadoudy.
Ami Sao es practicante en MathWorks dentro del Programa Startups, y al mismo tiempo estudiante en la Tufts University, donde se… 続きを読む >>

Startup Spotlight: Bioo – Creating a Self-Sustaining Greenspace 2

This article was written by Ami Sao, the Startup Program Intern at MathWorks. She is a student at Tufts University currently pursuing her BS in Engineering Psychology. 

The Technological… 続きを読む >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 38

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