Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Spatial transformations: Forward mapping 11

I've written previously about defining a spatial transform as a function, (x,y) = T{(u,v)}, that maps points from one space (input space) to another (output space). Given such a function, how do... 続きを読む >>

Quick tip: Determining uniqueness of local maximum 15

A MATLAB user asked me how to determine which image pixels had local maxima that weren't unique. My answer involves a creative use of ordfilt2. Let's review first the concept... 続きを読む >>

All about pixel colors: Summary 29

This week I wrote the last in a series of postings that discussed how MATLAB associates matrix values with specific screen pixel colors. The series talked about the two fundamental image display... 続きを読む >>

All about pixel colors: Grayscale and binary images 137

In my previous postings on this topic, I've discussed the basic image display models in MATLAB - truecolor and indexed. The Image Processing Toolbox has conventions for two additional image... 続きを読む >>

Upcoming optimizations in the Image Processing Toolbox 3

The MathWorks does not normally preview unreleased features, but I thought this might be a good time to make an exception. We are very excited about a set of new performance optimizations we are... 続きを読む >>

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