Wilkinson’s Polynomials
Wilkinson's polynomials are a family of polynmials with deceptively sensitive roots.
The Wilkinson polynomial of degree n has as roots the integers from 1 to n.
The usual value of n is 20.
format compact n = 20 syms x P20 = prod(x-(1:n))
n = 20 P20 = (x - 1)*(x - 2)*(x - 3)*(x - 4)*(x - 5)*(x - 6)*(x - 7)*(x - 8)*(x - 9)*(x - 10)*(x - 11)*(x - 12)*(x - 13)*(x - 14)*(x - 15)*(x - 16)*(x - 17)*(x - 18)*(x - 19)*(x - 20)
Expressed in this form, the polynomial is well behaved.
It gets interesting when Pn(x) is expanded in the monomial basis, {xj}.
P = expand(P20)
P = x^20 - 210*x^19 + 20615*x^18 - 1256850*x^17 + 53327946*x^16 - 1672280820*x^15 + 40171771630*x^14 - 756111184500*x^13 + 11310276995381*x^12 - 135585182899530*x^11 + 1307535010540395*x^10 - 10142299865511450*x^9 + 63030812099294896*x^8 - 311333643161390640*x^7 + 1206647803780373360*x^6 - 3599979517947607200*x^5 + 8037811822645051776*x^4 - 12870931245150988800*x^3 + 13803759753640704000*x^2 - 8752948036761600000*x + 2432902008176640000
The coefficients are huge. The constant term is 20!, and that's not even the largest coefficient.
C = flipud(coeffs(P)')
C = 1 -210 20615 -1256850 53327946 -1672280820 40171771630 -756111184500 11310276995381 -135585182899530 1307535010540395 -10142299865511450 63030812099294896 -311333643161390640 1206647803780373360 -3599979517947607200 8037811822645051776 -12870931245150988800 13803759753640704000 -8752948036761600000 2432902008176640000
Symbolic form
Let's have the Symbolic Toolbox generate LaTeX and cut and paste the result into the source for the blog.
L = latex(P);
% edit(L)
With the monomial basis the Wilkinson polynomial does not look so innocent. The spacing between the roots is tiny relative to these coefficients. But the toolbox can easily find the roots 1 to 20 with no error.
Z = sort(solve(P))'
Z = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
Double precision
Convert the symbolic form to double precision floating point.
format long e p = sym2poly(P)'; c = flipud(coeffs(poly2sym(p))')
c = 1 -210 20615 -1256850 53327946 -1672280820 40171771630 -756111184500 11310276995381 -135585182899530 1307535010540395 -10142299865511450 63030812099294896 -311333643161390656 1206647803780373248 -3599979517947607040 8037811822645051392 -12870931245150988288 13803759753640704000 -8752948036761600000 2432902008176640000
Five of the coefficients cannot be represented in double precision format. They have been perturbed.
delta = C-c
delta = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 112 -160 384 -512 0 0 0
Double precision roots
The roots of the polynomial with the double precision coefficients are no longer 1:20. The largest perturbations occur to the roots at 16 and 17.
z = sort(roots(p));
fmt = '%25.16f\n';
0.9999999999997972 2.0000000000475513 2.9999999973842115 4.0000000600349486 4.9999992200080809 6.0000064898423089 6.9999645183068031 8.0001214537649652 8.9997977879058215 9.9997884273944386 11.0021078422257670 11.9944660326764140 13.0076639325972590 13.9958171375909190 14.9955431043450050 16.0114122070902880 16.9888815075391190 18.0060272186900080 18.9981637365860050 20.0002393259700360
Wilkinson's perturbation
Wilkinson made a different perturbation, a deliberate roundoff error on his machine to the second coefficient, the −210. He changed this coefficient by 2−23 and discovered that several of the roots were driven into the complex plane.
I am not sure † about the sign of Wilkinson's perturbation, so let's do both. Here is a movie, an animated GIF, of the root locus in the complex plane produced by perturbations like his. It shows the trajectories of the roots from 9 to 20 of
as we vary α over the range
With a little calculus, we can get an analytic expression for the sensitivity of the roots with Wilkinson's perturbation. Regard each root x as function of α and differentiate the following equation with respect to α.
At α=0, we have
This is easy to evaluate.
pprime = sym2poly(diff(P20)); xdot = zeros(n,1); for k = 1:n xdot(k) = k^19/polyval(pprime,k); end format short e xdot
xdot = -8.2206e-18 8.1890e-11 -1.6338e-06 2.1896e-03 -6.0774e-01 5.8248e+01 -2.5424e+03 5.9698e+04 -8.3916e+05 7.5994e+06 -4.6378e+07 1.9894e+08 -6.0434e+08 1.3336e+09 -2.1150e+09 2.4094e+09 -1.9035e+09 9.9571e+08 -3.0901e+08 4.3100e+07
The sensitivities vary over 27 orders of magnitude, with the largest values again at 16 and 17. Here is a log plot.
This is a different perturbation than the one from symbolic to double, but the qualitative effect is the same.
Note added March 10, 2013.
† I am back in the office where I have access to Wilkinson's The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem. This polynomial is discussed, among other places, on pages 417 and 418. The perturbation he makes is negative, so the coefficient of x19 becomes −210−2−23 and the resulting roots are at the ends of our red trajectories.
- 类别:
- Precision
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