MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Posts 1 - 10 of 15

結果: 2021

Tips ‘n’ Tricks with Chris Armstrong of BAE Systems 4

As part of my business travel over the years, I've been fortunate to visit the UK several times and meet folks from BAE Systems. Specifically, I've met people from the MathWorks User Group at BAE.... 続きを読む >>

Mini Hack Contest Analysis 4

Today we have a guest post from Dave Bulkin. Dave is a developer on the MATLAB Graphics and Charting Team. Dave used to be a neuroscientist, but he loved MATLAB data visualization so much he decided... 続きを読む >>

Flying Pumpkins, Dancing Pumpkins

Eric Ludlam likes pumpkins. That might surprise you when you see what he does to them. Example: give him a perfectly good Rumbo pumpkin and he might attach it to a siege engine and fling it a quarter... 続きを読む >>

Call to Action: Look, then Vote! (and Give to Charity) 7

Something special is going on. Look at all these images.

You're looking at 96 images from the ongoing Mini Hack contest that we're doing in honor of MATLAB Central's 20th anniversary. This entire... 続きを読む >>

Twenty: A Birthday, a Contest, an Explosion of Images 4

As I said in my last post, here at the MathWorks Community blog we are currently celebrating an important milestone: MATLAB Central is 20 years old!
It's a fine number, 20. Certain numbers just come... 続きを読む >>

And Now We Are 20 3

It’s been twenty years since we launched MATLAB Central. It's tempting to say that it’s been twenty years since we started the MATLAB online community. But of course that's not true! MATLAB Central... 続きを読む >>

Lightning Talks at the Japan EXPO

I recently learned about something fun: customer lightning talks at the Japan MATLAB EXPO 2021. A lightning talk is a simple concept. It's just a very short talk, in this case, ten minutes long.... 続きを読む >>

Update Heroes: Evergreen Contributions to the File Exchange 3

File Exchange developer Randy Souza (you've heard of Souza's Law, right?) was looking at some file updates coming through the other day, and he noticed something remarkable. Erik Johnson's arrow... 続きを読む >>

On the Importance of Software to Research

This week's post is by Mike Croucher. Mike is a member of the Customer Success Engineering team in the UK, working with academics around the country on their teaching and computational research. Mike... 続きを読む >>

Cody News: Test That Code Before You Submit It! 7

See this? This is so cool.

What you're looking at is the new Scratch Pad area for Cody. It will make playing Cody more efficient, less messy, and more pleasant all the way around. If you've never... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 15

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