Earlier this summer, I was writing some color-space conversion code. At one point in the code, I had a Px3 matrix called RGB, which contained P colors, one per row. I also had a 1x3 vector, v. I... 続きを読む >>
Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.
Earlier this summer, I was writing some color-space conversion code. At one point in the code, I had a Px3 matrix called RGB, which contained P colors, one per row. I also had a 1x3 vector, v. I... 続きを読む >>
Intrepid MathWorks application engineer Brett Shoelson recently got a user question that caught my attention. Consider an image containing text characters in outline form, such as this:url =... 続きを読む >>
Because I work regularly with developers on the MATLAB Math team, I see the questions that come to them from tech support. Today there was an interesting one.A user observed that computing the sin... 続きを読む >>
As I mentioned last time, MATLAB Central is celebrating its 15th anniversary. You should head on over there to try one of the two contests, the Scavenger Hunt and the Triathlon. Or compete in... 続きを読む >>
As Ned Gulley posted over on the MATLAB Community blog last week, MATLAB Central is 15 years old. Ned commented that MATLAB Central was “giving a modern web-based home to a community that... 続きを読む >>
Who can tell me the significance of this number: 0.814723686393179 Update: 29-Aug-2016 Sven and Sam are correct. This the first number returned by the rand function in a given session,... 続きを読む >>
In my August 8 post about Pokemon Go (and I still can't quite believe that I did that), one of the processing steps was finding the centroid of the largest object in a binary image.That reminded me... 続きを読む >>
Until about two weeks ago, I had given absolutely no thought to the possibility of a relationship between MATLAB and Pokémon Go, this summer's worldwide mobile gaming phenomenon. But then I... 続きを読む >>
There are some MathWorkers who like to try to stump each other with pictures of "mystery items." For example, last week someone posted the following picture and challenged others to guess what it is:... 続きを読む >>
Today I want to explain a MATLAB coding mistake that I have seen even experienced MATLAB users make.I was looking at some code on the File Exchange recently, and these lines caught my eye:cm_data =... 続きを読む >>