Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 371 - 380 of 478

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JPEG: What’s in a name?

Hi folks. If you want to learn a bit about the many compression methods and file formats that all share the name JPEG, check out Jeff Mather's nice summary of the JPEG... 続きを読む >>

linkaxes 6

Toward the end of last year, it occurred to me that I had accumulated enough material on this blog to construct a "master class" on image processing in MATLAB. The response to my... 続きを読む >>

A Second Year of Blogging 7

Happy New Year everyone! I just wrapped up a second year of blogging about image processing in MATLAB. I write once or twice a week about image processing algorithms, image processing... 続きを読む >>

Cleaning up scanned text – revisited 4

Have you ever used the distance transform? For a binary image, the distance transform is the distance from every pixel to the nearest foreground (nonzero) pixel. (Sometimes you'll see... 続きを読む >>


How can I possibly resist the opportunity to post about something called METACOW? The Munsell Color Science Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) has made available... 続きを読む >>

Remembering Gene Golub, 1932 – 2007

The book Matrix Computations by Gene Golub and Charles Van Loan sits on the bookshelves of many MathWorks employees. Professor Golub, one of the founding members of the Stanford University... 続きを読む >>

Cleaning up scanned text 30

Earlier this year I exchanged e-mail with blog reader Craig Doolittle. Craig was writing MATLAB scripts to clean up scanned pages from old manuscripts. One of the samples he sent me was... 続きを読む >>

GUI debugging video – recommended

Doug posted a recorded GUI debugging session on his Pick of the Week blog. If you want to pick up some GUI programming and debugging techniques from an expert, it's definitely worth a... 続きを読む >>

General connectivity 5

The notion of neighbor connectivity is discussed in most image processing textbooks. Specifically, what is the set of neighbors of a pixel? For example, a commonly-used neighborhood... 続きを読む >>

Classification of operations 24

In image processing textbooks, you often see low-level image processing operations grouped into two categories: Point processes Neighborhood processes In a point process, the... 続きを読む >>

Posts 371 - 380 of 478

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