Happy New Year
Happy New Year
I hope that you had a great year and that next year is even better for you.
Here's a little bit of fluff to finish out 2014.
n1 = 5; n2 = 200; n3 = 500; ang1 = linspace(0,2*pi,n2); ang2 = linspace(0,2*pi,n3); c1 = repmat(cos(ang1),[n1 1]); s1 = repmat(sin(ang1),[n1 1]); y = linspace(-1,1,n1)'; h = surf(zeros(2,length(ang1))); h.EdgeColor = 'none'; h.FaceColor = 'interp'; h.FaceLighting = 'gouraud'; h.CData = repmat(y,[1 n2]); view(3) xlim([-2 2]) ylim([-2 2]) zlim([-1 1]) camlight right axis off while true for o=ang2(1:(end-1)) t = 3*pi*sin(o)*sin(ang1+o); c2 = y*cos(t); s2 = y*sin(t); h.XData = (1+c2).*c1; h.YData = (1+c2).*s1; h.ZData = s2; drawnow end end
- カテゴリ:
- Animation