Practical Advice for People on the Leading Edge

Posts 1 - 10 of 24

結果: New Features

Paged Matrix Functions in MATLAB (2024 edition) 3

Back in 2021, Loren Shure posted an article that introduced the first page-wise matrix functions in MATLAB: A page-wise matrix multiply pagemtimes, along with page-wise transpose pagetranspose, and... 続きを読む >>

Faster Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) solvers and Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters: Introducing SUNDIALS support in MATLAB 10

Sensitivity analysis of CARRGO model

Late last year I introduced the new solution framework for solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) that made its debut in MATLAB R2023b. I demonstrated how it allowed users to do all kinds of... 続きを読む >>

Two of my ‘White Whale’ features have been added to MATLAB R2024a 16

Everyone has them! MATLAB features that you've been requesting for ages. You email MathWorks support, you post long rants on discussion forums, you even join MathWorks and spam the internal... 続きを読む >>

How we made a better backslash in MATLAB R2024a 4

Few things say 'MATLAB' better than the backslash. So good, we put it on a T-shirt.As most people will be aware, the backslash operator solves a system of linear equations. That is, it finds the x... 続きを読む >>

MATLAB R2024a has been released: Here are my favourite updates 7

The latest version of MATLAB is now available for download and it's our biggest update yet. I have to tell you, I'm really excited by this one! It has got some features that I've been wanting for for... 続きを読む >>

MATLAB extension for Visual Studio Code: Yes, it works with GitHub Copilot 6

After publishing my recent blog post about MATLAB code execution in Visual Studio Code, I've had a lot of questions asking about GitHub Copilot support. I've even had fellow MathWorkers telling me... 続きを読む >>

MATLAB extension for Visual Studio Code: Now with code execution 18

Back in April last year, I announced the MATLAB extension for Visual Studio Code on The MATLAB Blog and everyone at MathWorks was blown away by its popularity. In less than a year there have been... 続きを読む >>

Using AI to help write MATLAB code – The MATLAB AI Chat Playground 1

Along with almost everyone who works in software development, I’ve recently been exploring how to integrate AI systems in my day-to-day work. In a MATLAB context, my appetite was whetted by the... 続きを読む >>

Quantum computing in MATLAB R2023b: On the desktop and in the cloud 4

Back in May of this year i attended the ISC High Performance Computing conference with a few other colleagues from MathWorks and was astonished at the number of booths related to various quantum... 続きを読む >>

The new solution framework for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) in MATLAB R2023b 12

Along with linear algebra, one of the iconic features of MATLAB in my mind is how it handles ordinary differential equations (ODEs). ODEs have been part of MATLAB almost since the very beginning.One... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 24