Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Recent changes in MATLAB Central blogs

Do you read any of the other MATLAB Central blogs? There's a lot of good information on them.

For several years, the "Pick of the Week" blog has regularly highlighted the best contributions on the MATLAB Central File Exchange. Until recently, it was "Doug's Pick of the Week." As regular "pick" readers know, Doug shifted his emphasis some time ago to making tutorial videos about MATLAB, while guest bloggers Bob, Brett, and Jiro continued giving you the best of the File Exchange.

These four MathWorkers have now split their blogging into two blogs. The "File Exchange Pick of the Week" is still at the same location and is jointly run by Bob, Brett, and Jiro. And Doug is now publishing his tutorial videos on the new "Doug's MATLAB Video Tutorials" blog.

When the "Inside the MATLAB Desktop" blog was originally started, we thought it would written by entire Desktop team. That never really happened, though. The blog was always run by one or two people, with occasional guest contributions. Most recently, Ken and Mike have been running things, so the Desktop blog has been retitled "Ken & Mike on the MATLAB Desktop." Other MathWorks developers will still occasionally contribute.

"Loren on the Art of MATLAB" has long been our most popular blog and is chock full of valuable tips on programming in MATLAB. And if you're into the Simulink side of our product family, be sure to check out "Seth on Simulink."

Each of our blogs have links on the sidebar for subscribing, either by e-mail or by RSS feed. You might also want to check out the "Blog Archives" links, since most of the technical topics don't get dated and are just as informative now as when they were first written.

What suggestions do you have for our blogs? Do you have any ideas for what new blogs you'd like to see? Let us know by commenting on this post.

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