Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

iPhone and Android sensor measurements

Here's something cool to try ...

I just downloaded the MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors and the latest MATLAB Mobile app for my iPhone.

So the first thing I did was throw and catch my phone while logging the phone's acceleration sensors.

Here's the result:

You can see the toss at 1 second, the catch at 2 seconds, and the free fall in between.

If you have an Android phone, try the MATLAB Support Package for Android Sensors.

Be sure to look at the system requirements for these support packages. You'll need the latest release of MATLAB, R2015a, to use the iOS package. You need R2014a or later to use the Android package, or you can try this earlier package to use with releases R2013a and R2013b.

Just don't blame me if you drop your phone!

  • print


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