It's finally time to start looking at the relationship between the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT). Let's look at a simple rectangular... 続きを読む >>
The DFT and the DTFT 8
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- Fourier transforms
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It's finally time to start looking at the relationship between the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT). Let's look at a simple rectangular... 続きを読む >>
One challenge of teaching Fourier transform concepts is that each concept can be (and is) interpreted and explained in many different ways. It isn't always obvious how the different... 続きを読む >>
Many of you were onto me immediately last week. I asked you to estimate the frequency of the sampled cosine signal below, and readers quickly chimed in to guess that this question was... 続きを読む >>
I know, I know ... I've really fallen behind in my blog posting the last month or so. Shifting responsibilities in my "real job" have left me snowed under for the last few weeks, and I... 続きを読む >>
Previously in my Fourier transforms series I've talked about the continuous-time Fourier transform and the discrete-time Fourier transform. Today it's time to start talking about the... 続きを読む >>
In the last two posts in my Fourier transform series I discussed the continuous-time Fourier transform. Today I want to start getting "discrete" by introducing the discrete-time Fourier... 続きを読む >>
This is my silly season entry (from... 続きを読む >>
Last week I showed a couple of continuous-time Fourier transform pairs (for a cosine and a rectangular pulse). Today I want to follow up by discussing one of the ways in which reality... 続きを読む >>
In my planned (well, partially planned) discussion on Fourier transforms, I'll focus on three of the four types I listed in my November 23 post: ... 続きを読む >>
This exchange of comments between Cris and me (see comments 11-16) is a good example of the kind of terminology confusion that surrounds Fourier transforms. Cris and I both have a background in... 続きを読む >>