Editor Tab Switching
Ken’s been kind enough to point out in the comments on how to switch between open files in the MATLAB Editor. The keyboard shortcut
- Ctrl+Page Up to move from right to left on the tabs
- Ctrl+Page Down to move from left to right
Note that these only work when the documents are docked together in the Editor (although the Editor group itself can be undocked from the Desktop).
If you were previously unaware of these keyboard shortcuts, you might also be unaware of these other features of the Editor tabs:
- An Editor with unsaved changes will have an “*” after the file name.
- Each Tab has a context menu that lets you:
- Manually reorder the tabs
- Reorder the tabs alphabetically
- Close some or all of the open documents
- Move the tab bar from the bottom to top, left, or right
When there is only one Document open in the Editor, the Tab Bar goes away. To access that context menu functionality, you can use the menu items in the Desktop -> Document Bar menu. Just make sure the Editor group has focus first.
Bonus tip: You can also switch focus between Desktop components (not just documents) with shortcuts Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab. And remember, you can customize any of these shortcuts in the preferences: File -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts:

- Category:
- Editor
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