MATLAB Community

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搜索结果: Q & A

Nine Insights from My Conversation with Heather Gorr, Senior MATLAB Product Manager

Today's guest article is by Hans Scharler.
Live Interview on Discord
Recently, I had the privilege of engaging in a captivating conversation with Heather Gorr, Ph.D., a senior MATLAB Product Manager... 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A – Kalyan Acharjya 3

Kalyan Acharjya has been contributing to MATLAB Answers since 2017. This past year his participation skyrocketed and he is currently a Rising Star. Here is a recent Q&A I had with Kalyan
       … 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A – Kelly Kearney

Kelly Kearney is a top contributor to MATLAB Answers and File Exchange.  Here is a Q&A I did with Kelly who is a research scientist for the University of Washington in their Joint Institute for… 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A – Owen Paul 1

Owen Paul is a MathWorks Student Ambassador who attends Florida State University.  Here is a Q&A with Owen.                                                               … 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A – Madhan Ravi 1

If you have been to MATLAB Answers recently you have noticed the name Madhan Ravi climbing up the Leaderboard. Here is a Q&A with Madhan Ravi.

Thanks for agreeing to this interview. Can… 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A – Doug Hull 1

After 15 years of working at MathWorks and a successful blog on MATLAB Central, Doug Hull “retired” to Las Vegas so he could combine his mathematical knowledge with his love of poker.  

Thanks for… 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A – Daniel Turizo

Daniel Turizo was one of the first people to complete the Easy and Hard problem sets in the Cody 5 Year Challenge. Daniel is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at… 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A: Manu BN

Manu BN is the author of 14 files on File Exchange including some popular submissions.  Please enjoy this virtual interview with Manu BN

Thanks for agreeing to this interview.  Can you tell us a… 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A: Massimo Zanetti

During the fall of 2016 MathWorks hosted a Scavenger Hunt and Triathlon to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of MATLAB Central. Massimo Zanetti was the winner of the Triathlon so we thought it would be… 更多内容 >>

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