Creating a DAG Network from DAG Parts
In my 14-Feb-2018 blog post about creating a simple DAG network, reader Daniel Morris wanted to know if there's a less tedious way, compared to adding layers one at a time, to combine two (or more) DAGs into a network. I asked the development team about this. I learned that, although it is not yet as easy as they would like to make it, one can write a couple of utility functions to make the task easier.
The first utility function, createLgraphUsingConnections, is used by a new doc example, Transfer Learning Using GoogLeNet, that was added to R2018a. The function is included at the bottom of this blog post.ame)
The second utility function, subgraphConnections, is something I wrote for this post. It handles multiple-input and multiple-output situations when merging two DAGs. This function is also at the bottom of this post.
I will illustrate these function by using them to recreate a portion of the structure of GoogLeNet.
net = googlenet;
axis off
xlim([0 5])
ylim([45 65])

Suppose we make six different sub-DAGs: the input branch, the four branches of inception layer 3a, and the 3a output layer. Here's one way to make these sub-DAGs.
subdag1 = layerGraph([ ... imageInputLayer([224 224 3],'Name','data') convolution2dLayer([7 7],64,'NumChannels',3,'Stride',[2 2],'Padding',[3 3 3 3],'Name','conv1-7x7_s2') reluLayer('Name','conv1-relu_7x7') maxPooling2dLayer([3 3],'Stride',[2 2],'Padding',[0 1 0 1],'Name','pool1-3x3_s2') crossChannelNormalizationLayer(5,'K',1,'Name','pool1-normal') convolution2dLayer([1 1],64,'NumChannels',64,'Name','conv2-3x3_reduce') reluLayer('Name','conv2-relu_3x3_reduce') convolution2dLayer([3 3],192,'NumChannels',64,'Padding',[1 1 1 1],'Name','conv2-3x3') reluLayer('Name','conv2-relu_3x3') crossChannelNormalizationLayer(5,'K',1,'Name','conv2-norm2') maxPooling2dLayer([3 3],'Stride',[2 2],'Name','pool2-3x3_s2') ]); subdag2 = layerGraph([ ... convolution2dLayer([1 1],64,'NumChannels',192,'Name','inception_3a-1x1') reluLayer('Name','inception_3a-relu_1x1')]); subdag3 = layerGraph([ ... convolution2dLayer([1 1],96,'NumChannels',192,'Name','inception_3a-3x3_reduce') reluLayer('Name','inception_3a-relu_3x3_reduce') convolution2dLayer([3 3],128,'NumChannels',96,'Padding',[1 1 1 1],'Name','inception_3a-3x3') reluLayer('Name','inception_3a-relu_3x3')]); subdag4 = layerGraph([ ... convolution2dLayer([1 1],16,'NumChannels',192,'Name','inception_3a-5x5_reduce') reluLayer('Name','inception_3a-relu_5x5_reduce') convolution2dLayer([5 5],32,'NumChannels',16,'Padding',[2 2 2 2],'Name','inception_3a-5x5') reluLayer('Name','inception_3a-relu_5x5')]); subdag5 = layerGraph([ ... maxPooling2dLayer([3 3],'Padding',[1 1 1 1],'Name','inception_3a-pool') convolution2dLayer([1 1],32,'NumChannels',192,'Name','inception_3a-pool_proj') reluLayer('Name','inception_3a-relu_pool_proj')]); subdag6 = layerGraph(depthConcatenationLayer(4,'Name','inception_3a-output'));
Let's combine all of the layers.
all_layers = [ ...
subdag6.Layers ]
all_layers = 25x1 Layer array with layers: 1 'data' Image Input 224x224x3 images with 'zerocenter' normalization 2 'conv1-7x7_s2' Convolution 64 7x7x3 convolutions with stride [2 2] and padding [3 3 3 3] 3 'conv1-relu_7x7' ReLU ReLU 4 'pool1-3x3_s2' Max Pooling 3x3 max pooling with stride [2 2] and padding [0 1 0 1] 5 'pool1-normal' Cross Channel Normalization cross channel normalization with 5 channels per element 6 'conv2-3x3_reduce' Convolution 64 1x1x64 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [0 0 0 0] 7 'conv2-relu_3x3_reduce' ReLU ReLU 8 'conv2-3x3' Convolution 192 3x3x64 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [1 1 1 1] 9 'conv2-relu_3x3' ReLU ReLU 10 'conv2-norm2' Cross Channel Normalization cross channel normalization with 5 channels per element 11 'pool2-3x3_s2' Max Pooling 3x3 max pooling with stride [2 2] and padding [0 0 0 0] 12 'inception_3a-1x1' Convolution 64 1x1x192 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [0 0 0 0] 13 'inception_3a-relu_1x1' ReLU ReLU 14 'inception_3a-3x3_reduce' Convolution 96 1x1x192 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [0 0 0 0] 15 'inception_3a-relu_3x3_reduce' ReLU ReLU 16 'inception_3a-3x3' Convolution 128 3x3x96 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [1 1 1 1] 17 'inception_3a-relu_3x3' ReLU ReLU 18 'inception_3a-5x5_reduce' Convolution 16 1x1x192 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [0 0 0 0] 19 'inception_3a-relu_5x5_reduce' ReLU ReLU 20 'inception_3a-5x5' Convolution 32 5x5x16 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [2 2 2 2] 21 'inception_3a-relu_5x5' ReLU ReLU 22 'inception_3a-pool' Max Pooling 3x3 max pooling with stride [1 1] and padding [1 1 1 1] 23 'inception_3a-pool_proj' Convolution 32 1x1x192 convolutions with stride [1 1] and padding [0 0 0 0] 24 'inception_3a-relu_pool_proj' ReLU ReLU 25 'inception_3a-output' Depth concatenation Depth concatenation of 4 inputs
Most of the connections in the final DAG already exist in the subDAGs. Let's grab those and combine them into one list of connections.
all_connections = [ ...
all_connections = 19×2 table Source Destination ______________________________ ______________________________ 'data' 'conv1-7x7_s2' 'conv1-7x7_s2' 'conv1-relu_7x7' 'conv1-relu_7x7' 'pool1-3x3_s2' 'pool1-3x3_s2' 'pool1-normal' 'pool1-normal' 'conv2-3x3_reduce' 'conv2-3x3_reduce' 'conv2-relu_3x3_reduce' 'conv2-relu_3x3_reduce' 'conv2-3x3' 'conv2-3x3' 'conv2-relu_3x3' 'conv2-relu_3x3' 'conv2-norm2' 'conv2-norm2' 'pool2-3x3_s2' 'inception_3a-1x1' 'inception_3a-relu_1x1' 'inception_3a-3x3_reduce' 'inception_3a-relu_3x3_reduce' 'inception_3a-relu_3x3_reduce' 'inception_3a-3x3' 'inception_3a-3x3' 'inception_3a-relu_3x3' 'inception_3a-5x5_reduce' 'inception_3a-relu_5x5_reduce' 'inception_3a-relu_5x5_reduce' 'inception_3a-5x5' 'inception_3a-5x5' 'inception_3a-relu_5x5' 'inception_3a-pool' 'inception_3a-pool_proj' 'inception_3a-pool_proj' 'inception_3a-relu_pool_proj'
Now we have to get the connections that join the various subDAGs together. This is where subgraphConnections comes in handy.
First, get all the desired connections between the last layer of subDAG 1 and the first layer of subDAGs 2-5.
new_connections = subgraphConnections(subdag1.Layers(end),...
[subdag2.Layers(1) subdag3.Layers(1) subdag4.Layers(1) subdag5.Layers(1)])
all_connections = [all_connections ; new_connections];
new_connections = 4×2 table Source Destination ______________ _________________________ 'pool2-3x3_s2' 'inception_3a-1x1' 'pool2-3x3_s2' 'inception_3a-3x3_reduce' 'pool2-3x3_s2' 'inception_3a-5x5_reduce' 'pool2-3x3_s2' 'inception_3a-pool'
Now get the desired connections between the last layer of subDAGs 2-5 and the first (and only) layer of subDAG 6.
src_layers = [subdag2.Layers(end) subdag3.Layers(end) subdag4.Layers(end) ...
new_connections = subgraphConnections(src_layers,subdag6.Layers(1))
new_connections = 4×2 table Source Destination _____________________________ _________________________ 'inception_3a-relu_1x1' 'inception_3a-output/in1' 'inception_3a-relu_3x3' 'inception_3a-output/in2' 'inception_3a-relu_5x5' 'inception_3a-output/in3' 'inception_3a-relu_pool_proj' 'inception_3a-output/in4'
Note that the utility function subgraphConnections automatically adds the input specifiers for a multiple-input layer.
new_connections.Destination all_connections = [all_connections ; new_connections];
ans = 4×1 cell array {'inception_3a-output/in1'} {'inception_3a-output/in2'} {'inception_3a-output/in3'} {'inception_3a-output/in4'}
Finally, use createLgraphUsingConnections to create the merged DAG.
lgraph = createLgraphUsingConnections(all_layers,all_connections);
axis off
The code below includes the utility functions used above.
function lgraph = createLgraphUsingConnections(layers,connections) % lgraph = createLgraphUsingConnections(layers,connections) creates a layer % graph with the layers in the layer array |layers| connected by the % connections in |connections|. lgraph = layerGraph(); for i = 1:numel(layers) lgraph = addLayers(lgraph,layers(i)); end for c = 1:size(connections,1) lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph,connections.Source{c},connections.Destination{c}); end end function c = subgraphConnections(src,dest) if numel(src) > 1 dest_name_root = [dest.Name '/in']; tmp = cell(numel(src),2); for k = 1:numel(src) tmp{k,1} = src(k).Name; tmp{k,2} = [dest_name_root num2str(k)]; end elseif numel(dest) > 1 tmp = cell(numel(dest),2); for k = 1:numel(dest) tmp{k,1} = src.Name; tmp{k,2} = dest(k).Name; end end c = table(tmp(:,1),tmp(:,2),'VariableNames',{'Source','Destination'}); end
- Category:
- Deep Learning
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