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Advanced Software Development with MATLAB

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Results for: Continuous Integration

Git to the Lab! 8

Hello everyone, for this post, I'd like to introduce Mariano Lizarraga Fernandez as a guest blogger. He has a great story to share where he demonstrates a nicely tuned workflow between a Jenkins... read more >>

Cov’ed Code All Throughout the Interwebs 2

You may remember that MATLAB can generate code coverage information in the Cobertura format now. Been able to since R2017b. This is great since this allows us to leverage a richer ecosystem of... read more >>

We’ve Got You Covered 9

Coverage. It's all good. Health care coverage is good. Cell phone coverage is good. Even cloud coverage can provide a nice break from the intensity of the sun's rays sometimes. It should come then as... read more >>

The (Build) Matrix Laboratory 1

Ah the joys of a new release! R2017b is now out and packed with some great new features. So here I go, heading out to an excitement fueled upgrade-mania when lo and behold, my glee is rudely... read more >>

Passing the Test 7

Last time we saw that the new version 13 YAML output can provide a richer CI system experience because the diagnostics are in a standard structured format that can be read by a machine (the CI... read more >>

Turn on the YAML Channel! 12

Diagnostics. They are the secret sauce of an effective test framework and we certainly take our job seriously at providing diagnostics that are not a little too hot or a little too cold, but... read more >>

You’ve Got Mail! 10

Today I wanted to share some fun I've been having with customizing the emails sent from my Jenkins builds. This was inspired by Narendra's comment on a previous post. So, getting to it, I took a quick look after reading the comment and found the Email-ext plugin that enables customization of the emails that are sent to administrators and code committers (offenders?) for failing or unstable builds. Out of the box, this plugin sends an email that lists the failing tests that were encountered. While this is nice, it doesn't pass muster in my book. Why?
  1. It is very much catered to JUnit test results by default. These aren't JUnit results #forgoodnesssakes! We are talking MATLAB code here! I want the CI system configuration to be production grade just like the code it is integrating, which means we don't accept calling MATLAB test results JUnit test results!
  2. Showing the failed tests is nice but I also want to see the diagnostics. If we have a chance to know immediately what the problem is then I don't want to have to click through to have to figure this out. Having the diagnostics in the email might mean I know exactly why the build fails when I get the email on my phone while riding the T on my way home. The remaining ride then has the benefit of valuable brain cycles already figuring out the solution. If I have to click through? No dice.

Format Sibling Rivalry 7

Goodness time flies! It has been a while since we've had a blog update, While I really would like to keep the conversation we have going on here moving, this is how I would like you to envision what I have been up to recently:... read more >>

Just TAP it in…give it a little TAP-py TAP TAP TAP-aroo 32

Last post we explored connecting MATLAB to Jenkins, running tests, and ensuring the build fails upon any test failure. We leveraged the TestResult array returned from the test run in order to exit MATLAB with a non-zero exit status code to communicate to Jenkins when needed that the build should fail.... read more >>

The Other Kind of Continuous Integration 46

Hi there. I am super excited to introduce our new Developer Zone blog! I work in a group at MathWorks that is responsible for building the infrastructure and architecture that we require as a company to deliver software that is of high quality, on schedule, and meets customer requirements. In short, we develop the build, test, and integration tools needed to produce production grade software on multiple platforms and using many different technologies. My specific team is focused on test infrastructure and are the primary developers of MATLAB's unit test framework.... read more >>

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