% Pinecone Attributes
nscales = 140; % Number of scales
height = 2.5; % Height of inner part of pinecone
swt = 0.3; % Scale width in theta
sth = 0.2; % Scale thickness (as a curve in height)
stilt = 1.2; % From inside to outside, tile of each scale
nn = 18; % Number of needles
% Exponents for curves
hexp = 2.8; % scale density over height
rexp = 2; % radius shape across height
scexp = 3; % scale rounded shape (end)
suexp = 3; % scale roundness in height
stexp = 2.1; % scale tilt for height
stuexp = 2; % scale thickness of U by height
cexp = 2; % color gradient
% Colors
brown1 = [0 0 0]; % Dark center color
brown2 = [0.470 0.240 0.010]; % Brigher outer color
edge = [1 1 1]; % Scale edging
green = [0.060 0.590 0.400]; % Pine Needles
% Resolution
vps = 17; % verts per scale : An odd number so 1 vert is in center
vpr = 20; % verts per radius
% Scale locations
FIB = (1+sqrt(5))*(1:nscales); % Fibonacci golden ratio sequence as factor of pi
H = linspace(0,1,nscales).^hexp*height; % Height of the root of each scale
R = 1-abs(linspace(-1,1,nscales).^rexp); % Radius of pinecone over height
U = 1-abs(linspace(-1,1,nscales).^stuexp); % Thickness of scale U shape by height
% Geometry of the scales at the locations
ST = reshape((linspace(-.5,.5,vps)*swt+FIB')', 1,[]); % Scale Theta
SR = reshape(((1-abs(linspace(-1,1,vps).^scexp)).*R')',1,[]); % Scale Radii
SH = reshape((ones(1,vps).*H'+abs(linspace(-1,1,vps).^suexp.*U')*sth)',1,[]); % Scale Height
MR = linspace(0,1,vpr)'.*SR;
% Compute final geometry of the pinecone.
X = cospi(ST).*MR;
Y = sinpi(ST).*MR;
Z = SH.*ones(vpr,1)+MR.*linspace(0,1,vps*nscales).^stexp*stilt;
C = linspace(0,1,vpr).^cexp'.*ones(1,vps*nscales);
% Plot pinecone
set(gcf,'Color','#fffafa'); % Snow
shading interp
% Dark center to Brown colormap
colormap(interp1([1 256],[brown1; brown2],1:256));
% Branch
bx = [ 0 .5 1 1.5 2 ];
by = [ 0 0 0 0 0 ];
bz = [ 0 .05 .2 .25 .2 ];
line('XData',bx,'YData',by,'ZData',bz,'Color',brown1, 'LineWidth',5);
% Pine Needles
NT = linspace(0,5,nn)';
NR = linspace(.1,.8,nn)';
NV = [ 0 0 0
-ones(nn,1)*2, cospi(NT).*NR, sinpi(NT).*NR+.9 ];
NF = [ ones(nn,1) (1:nn)'+1 ];
% Setup Axes
set(gca,'Position',[0 0 1 1],'Clipping','off');
daspect([1 1 1]);
axis([-1.3 1.3 -1.3 1.3 -height+.2 .5],'off')
material([.6 1 .3])
lighting gouraud
light('Position',[13.2 7.2 16.5]);
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