Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Spatial transformations

Section 5.11 of Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB covers spatial transformations. I'm interested in expanding this material to a full chapter. I'd like to use this blog to explore these topics and get your feedback about them.

Here's a partial list of concepts to cover:

  • Terminology
  • Types of spatial transformations (affine, for example) and their properties
  • Forward mapping versus inverse mapping
  • Interpolation
  • Aliasing and anti-aliasing

I'd also like to cover interesting features and design issues associated with the Image Processing Toolbox functions imtransform and tformarray, such as:

  • Defining the spatial coordinate systems associated with the input and output images
  • Multidimensional operation
  • Options for handling out-of-bounds pixels
  • What is findbounds and how does imtransform use it?

Finally, there are common questions and points of confusion, such as why applying a translation using imtransform appears not to do anything.

What am I leaving out? Please tell me what you'd like to hear about.

  • print


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