Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

A Third Year of Blogging

This month finishes a third year for me of blogging about image processing algorithms, working with images in MATLAB, and more.

Topics this past year included:

Be sure to check out the blog archives link on the right side of the page for a complete list of blog postings for the past three years. There's lot of good information there.

So what's coming up next? Well, I don't know exactly. I have a fairly long list of topic possibilities, some specific and some still pretty vague. My simple theory about making a blog like this work is to write about things that I find personally interesting and rewarding, and then to pray that at least a half-dozen other people find some of it interesting, too. Mostly, I'm interested in how image processing algorithms work, as well as MATLAB techniques that are particularly effective and useful for working with image data. I've also written occasionally about aspects of software development.

Do you have any ideas for topics you'd like to see discussed here? Please share them by leaving a comment. And thanks!

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