Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

In my mailbox this week: MCALab, astronomy, dmperm, and Sudoku

Some interesting IEEE articles arrived in my mailbox this week. Computing in Science and Engineering has "MCALab: Reproducible Research in Signal and Image Decomposition and Inpainting," by Fadili, Starck, Elad, and Donoho. MCA means morphological component analysis, which is a new term for me. MCALab is an open-source library of MATLAB routines for signal and image decomposition and inpainting.

This month's Signal Processing Magazine has a special section on astronomy and cosmology packed with image processing theory and applications, including:

  • "Synthetic Aperture Radio Telescopes," by Levanda and Leshem
  • "Calibration Challenges for Future Radio Telescopes," by Wijnholds, van der Tol, Nijboer, and van der Veen
  • "Bayesian Source Separation for Cosmology," by Kuruoglu
  • "Precision Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background," by Cardoso
  • "Cosmic Microwave Background Images," by Herranz and Vielva
  • "Light on Dark Matter with Weak Gravitational Lensing," by Pires, Starck, and Réfrégier.
  • "Multidimensional Image Reconstruction in Astronomy," by Kamalabadi
  • "Image Reconstruction in Optical Interferometry," by Thiébaut and Giovannelli
  • "Imaging with Linc-Nirvana," by Bertero, Boccacci, Desiderà, La Camera, Carbillet, and Lantéri

Finally, another article in Computing in Science and Engineering caught my eye: "Whip Until Solved," by Sullivan. This article describes a method for solving Sudoku puzzles that makes use of the MATLAB function dmperm. I confess that I can't think of a connection between Sudoku and image processing (take that as a challenge, dear reader), and I've never even solved a Sudoku puzzle. But I have written about dmperm, though, in my series on connected components labeling. And, coincidentally, MATLAB creator Cleve Moler wrote an article in the most recent MathWorks News & Notes about different way to use MATLAB to solve Sudoku puzzles.

I've got an item on my to-do list that says "Study Cleve's Sudoku code to see how it works." Not sure when I'll get the time to do that, though.

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