Multiresolution pyramids part 4: Image blending
apple_url = ''; A = im2double(imread(apple_url)); orange_url = ''; B = im2double(imread(orange_url)); subplot(1,2,1) imshow(A) subplot(1,2,2) imshow(B)Now I will make a mask image to define which part of the blended image will come from image A (the apple).
mask_A = zeros(1024,1024);
mask_A(:,1:512) = 1;
axis on
The simplest way to blend the images is to just put the pieces together. We can do that with a little mask arithmetic.
C = (A .* mask_A) + (B .* (1 - mask_A)); clf imshow(C) xticks([]) yticks([])You can see the sharp edge and contrast at the seam between the two images. The idea behind using Laplacian pyramids is to smooth the seam in a spatial-frequency-dependent way. Here is the procedure:
- Construct Laplacian pyramids for the two images.
- Make a third Laplacian pyramid that is contructed by a mask-based joining of the two original-image Laplacian pyramids at every pyramid level.
- Reconstruct the output image from the blended Laplacian pyramid.
mrp_A = multiresolutionPyramid(A); mrp_B = multiresolutionPyramid(B); mrp_mask_A = multiresolutionPyramid(mask_A); lap_A = laplacianPyramid(mrp_A); lap_B = laplacianPyramid(mrp_B);Next, form the blended Laplacian pyramid.
for k = 1:length(lap_A) lap_blend{k} = (lap_A{k} .* mrp_mask_A{k}) + ... (lap_B{k} .* (1 - mrp_mask_A{k})); endFinally, reconstruct the output image from the blended Laplacian pyramid. (The code for reconstructFromLaplacianPyramid is below.)
C_blended = reconstructFromLaplacianPyramid(lap_blend); imshow(C_blended)A side-by-side blend is boring, though. Note that the two regions in the mask can have any shape. Here's how I made the blended image that started this post. It is based on a mask with a circular region in the center.
x = linspace(-1,1,1024); y = x'; mask2_A = hypot(x,y) <= 0.5; mrp_mask2_A = multiresolutionPyramid(mask2_A); for k = 1:length(lap_A) lap_blend2{k} = (lap_A{k} .* mrp_mask2_A{k}) + ... (lap_B{k} .* (1 - mrp_mask2_A{k})); end C2_blended = reconstructFromLaplacianPyramid(lap_blend2); imshow(C2_blended)Doesn't that look yummy? Functions used above:
function mrp = multiresolutionPyramid(A,num_levels) %multiresolutionPyramid(A,numlevels) % mrp = multiresolutionPyramid(A,numlevels) returns a multiresolution % pyramd from the input image, A. The output, mrp, is a 1-by-numlevels % cell array. The first element of mrp, mrp{1}, is the input image. % % If numlevels is not specified, then it is automatically computed to % keep the smallest level in the pyramid at least 32-by-32. % Steve Eddins % Copyright The MathWorks, Inc. 2019 A = im2double(A); M = size(A,1); N = size(A,2); if nargin < 2 lower_limit = 32; num_levels = min(floor(log2([M N]) - log2(lower_limit))) + 1; else num_levels = min(num_levels, min(floor(log2([M N]))) + 2); end mrp = cell(1,num_levels); smallest_size = [M N] / 2^(num_levels - 1); smallest_size = ceil(smallest_size); padded_size = smallest_size * 2^(num_levels - 1); Ap = padarray(A,padded_size - [M N],'replicate','post'); mrp{1} = Ap; for k = 2:num_levels mrp{k} = imresize(mrp{k-1},0.5,'lanczos3'); end mrp{1} = A; end function lapp = laplacianPyramid(mrp) % Steve Eddins % MathWorks lapp = cell(size(mrp)); num_levels = numel(mrp); lapp{num_levels} = mrp{num_levels}; for k = 1:(num_levels - 1) A = mrp{k}; B = imresize(mrp{k+1},2,'lanczos3'); [M,N,~] = size(A); lapp{k} = A - B(1:M,1:N,:); end lapp{end} = mrp{end}; end function out = reconstructFromLaplacianPyramid(lapp) % Steve Eddins % MathWorks num_levels = numel(lapp); out = lapp{end}; for k = (num_levels - 1) : -1 : 1 out = imresize(out,2,'lanczos3'); g = lapp{k}; [M,N,~] = size(g); out = out(1:M,1:N,:) + g; end end
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