Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Results for: Pixel colors

MATLAB image display – autoscaling values with imshow 2

Last week I talked about displaying gray-scale and binary images. In that post, I showed how to control the grayscale range. For example, the call imshow(I,[0.4 0.6]) displays the matrix I as a... read more >>

MATLAB image display – grayscale and binary images

In my previous posts (February 9, February 22, and February 29), I discussed the truecolor and indexed image display models in MATLAB, as well as the direct and scaled variations of indexed display. The Image Processing Toolbox has conventions for two additional image display models: grayscale and binary. These conventions are used by the MATLAB image display function imshow, which originated in the Image Processing Toolbox.... read more >>

MATLAB image display – scaled indexed images 1

In my last post on pixel colors, I described the truecolor and indexed image display models in MATLAB, and I promised to talk to soon about a third model. That model is the scaled indexed image, a... read more >>

MATLAB image display – truecolor and indexed images 1

ContentsMATLAB image display - truecolor and indexed imagesTruecolor imagesIndexed imagesMATLAB image display - truecolor and indexed imagesLast time I posed this question: How does MATLAB associate... read more >>

MATLAB image display – from data values to pixel colors 6

Here's a quick quiz for you: How bright are these pixel values?252 252 253 254 255 252 252 253 254 254 252 252 253 253 254 252 252 253 253 254 252 252 253 ... read more >>

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