A MATLAB user recently asked in the MATLAB newsgroup how to fill "small" holes in a binary image. The function imfill can be used to fill all holes, but this user only wanted to fill holes... read more >>
Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.
A MATLAB user recently asked in the MATLAB newsgroup how to fill "small" holes in a binary image. The function imfill can be used to fill all holes, but this user only wanted to fill holes... read more >>
Last fall I wrote about a complaint some MATLAB users had about reading certain kinds of TIFF files. Specifically, some users have TIFF files that each contain tens of thousands of images—or... read more >>
Today I want to show you a morphological operation called "opening by reconstruction." The normal morphological opening is an erosion followed by a dilation. The erosion "shrinks" an image... read more >>
Some nonlinear image processing operations can be expressed in terms of linear filtering. When this is true, it often provides a recipe for a speedy MATLAB implementation.... read more >>
Today I want to demonstrate a useful technique to produce a false-color visualization of different sets of binary image objects. Here's the sample image that we'll use: url =... read more >>
Here's a very common question we receive: "How do I process a set of image files in a directory?" I first posted an example illustrating "batch processing" of a set... read more >>
I thought I would finish my discussion of applylut and makelut by describing a performance optimization we implemented for version 6 (R2007b) of the Image Processing Toolbox.
A couple of years ago,...
The June 2008 issue of Scientific American contains the article "Digital Image Forensics," by Hany Farid, Professor and Associate Chair of Computer Science at Dartmouth College. Professor Farid... read more >>
Congratulations to the Phoenix team for a successful landing and deployment on Mars! Mission leadership: University of Arizona, Tucson Mission project management: NASA Jet Propulsion... read more >>
This is the third post about using lookup tables to process binary images. The first two posts were: Introduction Basic... read more >>