Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 381 - 390 of 478

Results for: Uncategorized

From the archives: All about pixel colors 7

When I started this blog in early 2006, one of my first series of articles was called "All About Pixel Colors." These articles discussed how MATLAB associates matrix values with specific screen... read more >>

Can you share an MMT with us?

Note added July 30, 2008: See this post for an update. In September I wrote about customer-reported speed issues related to TIFF files containing a very large number (thousands or tens of... read more >>

bwselect 19

Didja know about the Image Processing Toolbox function bwselect? For a blog post I wrote earlier this month, I wanted a binary image containing only the central blob indicated in red... read more >>

Finding bright objects 7

In a blog comment earlier this summer, someone asked how to find "which labeled regions have a bright spot greater than some threshold?" That's a good question. It can be done efficiently... read more >>

Category and archive links 2

We recently changed the view when you click on a category in the sidebar on the right. I haven't used categories much, but the other bloggers (Loren on the Art of MATLAB, Doug's Pick of the Week,... read more >>

HDR and tone mapping links 12

In photography and color science, MathWorks developer Jeff Mather's personal interests intersect with his work. He guest-blogged here last year with a post about the CIE Standard Observer. Earlier... read more >>

Major image processing product updates 10

At the International Conference on Image Processing last week, almost everyone who visited the MathWorks booth was already a MATLAB user. Mostly, they wanted to know "What's new?"
That question is a...

How many images can fit in a TIFF file? 51

Note added July 30, 2008: See this post for an update. In a comment on my R2007b post last week, Vincent wanted to know why imread and imwrite are slow when dealing with TIFF files containing... read more >>

ICIP 2007

For the next few days, I'll be at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing in San Antonio, Texas. If you're there, stop by the MathWorks table and say hi. PS. I've discovered... read more >>

R2007b 8

Sharp-eyed readers of my previous post might have noticed the "Published with MATLAB® 7.5" footer at the end of the example. That's right, as Loren posted earlier this week, R2007b is now... read more >>

Posts 381 - 390 of 478

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