Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 391 - 400 of 478

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Clearing border components 5

I saw an application recently where someone wanted to handle NaNs in an image differently depending on whether they were "interior." In other words, a set of connected NaN pixels... read more >>

Intensity-weighted centroids 129

One the measurements provided by regionprops is 'Centroid'. Here's an example of labeling binary objects, computing the centroid of each object, and plotting the centroid location on top... read more >>

Gray scale pixel values in labeled regions 58

The functions bwlabel and regionprops are very useful for measuring the properties of shapes in a binary image. There are documentation examples and product demos showing how to do this,... read more >>

Filling holes in images 23

Didja know? You can fill holes, or pits, in grayscale images by using the Image Processing Toolbox function imfill. The other day I was rereading the Tarboton paper on upslope area,... read more >>

imoverlay and imagesc 5

In March 2006 I wrote about how to overlay a specified color onto specified pixels of a grayscale or RGB image. I put a utility function (imoverlay) for performing this... read more >>

Cell morphology article in Science magazine

The June 22, 2007 issue of Science magazine contains the article "Quantitative Morphological Signatures Define Local Signaling Networks Regulating Cell Morphology," by Chris Bakal, John Aach,... read more >>

Image processing in the movies 25

I'm blogging from vacation today, so here's a fun topic for you to consider. (As far as I know it has nothing to do with MATLAB.) What are your favorite movies or TV shows in which image... read more >>

imfinfo, imread can automatically detect the image format 9

Didja know? Functions imfinfo and imread do not depend exclusively on the filename extension (for example, .jpg, .png, .tif, etc.) to determine the image file format. I thought about this because a... read more >>

Finding pixels adjacent to a mask 7

Here's a quick tip. A user question came in recently that involved a step of finding the pixels adjacent to foreground pixels in a binary image. Suppose you have a binary mask image,... read more >>

Intruder detection example 8

MathWorks developer Dave L. created an Intruder Detection example to demonstrate how Image Acquisition Toolbox and Data Acquisition Toolbox can work together. The program displays live video and... read more >>

Posts 391 - 400 of 478

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