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MATLAB Mobile 1.2 Released

In this release, MATLAB Mobile figures come to life. No, we are not talking about using 3D glasses. MATLAB Mobile will make a live connection to the figures on your MATLAB desktop.

What does a live connection enable?

  • Each time you zoom in, the figure will rerender and give you a sharper image.
  • Any figures open on the desktop will automatically appear on your MATLAB Mobile. You don’t need to use findobj(‘Type’,’figure’) anymore!
  • Aside from zoom and pan, you can display data tips. Simply tap and hold.

Data Tip on MATLAB Mobile

So do these live figures get stored on phone? As in previous releases, the figures are still generated on the desktop. But we do keep the latest snapshots of your figures in your command history.

Give the live figures a try and if you create an interesting figure, feel free to send it to Daniel through the email figure option! I have some MATLAB goodies to give away.

Before I jump back to preparing the next release, I want to mention that we are eager to grow our team and add another developer to join Mike in our MATLAB Mobile team. You can help us by promoting this position to any qualified mobile software engineers you know.

Download MATLAB Mobile

  • print


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