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Posts 21 - 27 of 27

搜索结果: MATLAB Mobile

More Sharing Options 2

Last week I wrote how to email figure snapshots from MATLAB and MATLAB Mobile. I had such a good response from last week, I want to continue that thought and talk about some more options for sharing… 更多内容 >>

Sharing Figures with Friends

MATLAB Mobile has a neat feature that allows you to e-mail a saved figure snapshot as a PNG file, with just two taps! You can try it out: from a snapshot in the History tab or an individual... 更多内容 >>

こんにちは Japan!

For a long time we’ve provided the Desktop localized in the Japanese language. In case you don’t remember my post on it from two years ago, here is a side-by-side comparison of English… 更多内容 >>

Your History Just Got a Little Richer 1

As Daniel mentioned two weeks ago, we updated how figures work in MATLAB Mobile 1.2. One of the most requested features was to see what figures were already opened on the desktop. In this new… 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Mobile 1.2 Released 10

In this release, MATLAB Mobile figures come to life. No, we are not talking about using 3D glasses. MATLAB Mobile will make a live connection to the figures on your MATLAB desktop.
What does a live… 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Mobile 1.1 Released 10

It has been about 2 months since we introduced MATLAB Mobile and we are thrilled to see your interest through your comments on the Desktop blog, Facebook, and Twitter. Mike, myself, and many others… 更多内容 >>

Using MATLAB Mobile to Save Money

This weekend my MATLAB Mobile app more than paid for itself--which is not hard, since it's free! Over the weekend I went shopping for a new car. When it was time to discuss financing, I was presented... 更多内容 >>

Posts 21 - 27 of 27