MATLAB Community

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結果: Programming

Parsing Inputs 5

Have you ever wondered how MATLAB functions make sense of variable function arguments? Many MATLAB functions take multiple optional arguments, or arguments specified as param-value pairs. A… 続きを読む >>

Scoring in Cody 28

As Helen wrote last week, Cody is a new MATLAB-based game that’s available on MATLAB Central.
We’ve been happily surprised at the amount of activity on Cody. As of Monday morning, 700… 続きを読む >>

Using Dates in MATLAB 4

Three weeks ago I wrote about MATLAB's new spreadsheet import tool. Since then I've had a few conversations regarding using dates in MATLAB; dates are common as column headers or table data. The... 続きを読む >>

Function Name Case Sensitivity in MATLAB R2011b 18

I can barely remember a MATLAB version that did not produce an inexact case match warning if you used the wrong capitalization of a function name. Now, the days of willy-nilly capitalization in… 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Toolbox Path Caching 3

One aspect of the MATLAB search path is the toolbox path cache. When your program calls a MATLAB function, the interpreter needs to know where to find the code associated with that function. Rather… 続きを読む >>

Speed Up Your GUIs With Profiling 6

I bet most of the people that use the MATLAB Profiler run their code through the little “Run This Code” box at the top of the Profiler UI. When you do this the profiling happens only for… 続きを読む >>

Migrating to 64-bit Windows 3

Ken Atwell, product manager for MATLAB platforms, returns this week to discuss a new resource available for users migrating to 64-bit Windows.
64-bit versions of Windows have been available since… 続きを読む >>

Using Tech Notes For Fun and Profit 4

I recently answered a question for a customer about dealing with out of memory errors in MATLAB. Thankfully it didn’t require me to spend a lot of effort to answer it. We already have a… 続きを読む >>

Can MATLAB write MATLAB programs for you? 17

Today we welcome guest blogger, MATLAB Product Manager Scott Hirsch. 
Hi, I’m Scott Hirsch.  You may remember me from such blog posts as “Interactive Volume Visualization Tool” and… 続きを読む >>

Enumeration Templates

Ever since Class Objects were first introduced in R2008a, we’ve improved or added to their functionality. In R2010b, we have official support for Enumerations. Enumerations are type-safe… 続きを読む >>

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