MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Posts 11 - 20 of 487

Solving Sudoku with MATLAB

Today's guest article is by Wesley Hamilton, a STEM Outreach engineer here at MathWorks. Wesley's roles involve popularizing the use of MATLAB and Simulink for younger folk, especially towards... 更多内容 >>

An Algorithmic Spelling Bee 9

Earlier this year I wrote about solving word ladders with MATLAB. There was a lot of interest in that post, so I thought I'd share my investigations regarding another word-based app. In this script,... 更多内容 >>

Celebrate pi day with a pi patch 1

Pi patch

Today's guest article is by Adam Danz whose name you might recognize from the MATLAB Central community. Adam is a developer on the MATLAB Graphics and Charting team. About 20 years ago Adam... 更多内容 >>

Taking the Hassle Out of Testing 7

This cartoon sums up my feelings about testing.

Testing is great. When you have working tests, you feel clean and warm. The sun shines a little brighter and the birds sing a song just for you. But... 更多内容 >>

Acquiring and Analyzing Sensor Data with MATLAB Mobile and MATLAB Online 3

MATLAB Mobile allows you to collect information from your device sensors and perform cool experiments with the acquired data. For this post, I would like to welcome Luiz Zaniolo, our development... 更多内容 >>

Laddergrams 6

MATLAB is good at math, of course, but it can also let you have some fun with words. Go to the Gaming > Word Games category of the File Exchange and you can find a variety of different word... 更多内容 >>

Cookies & Code

Seasonal greetings of the Greater Solstice Metropolitan Area! As I write this, the solstitial sun sets on the shortest day of my northern hemispheric year. Winter is here. So naturally, my mind... 更多内容 >>

Crepuscular Tidings 4

As the days get shorter and drearier here in New England, I get hungry for sunlight. This makes me somewhat obsessed with when the sun sets. But unlike our ancient ancestors, I don't need to worry... 更多内容 >>

Cody Meets Cricket: Who’s Your Bunny?

Any cricketers out there? If you like cricket and coding in MATLAB (and who doesn't?), then allow me to direct your attention to an entirely cricket-themed Cody problem group created by quizmaster... 更多内容 >>

2022 Mini Hack Content Analysis 2

Today, once again, I am delighted to introduce guest blogger Dave Bulkin. You may remember that Dave blogged in this space last year about our first Mini Hack (Mini Hack Contest Analysis). Dave is a... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 487

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