Artificial Intelligence

Apply machine learning and deep learning

Posts 1 - 10 of 24

搜索结果: 2021

Deep Learning in Simulink. Simulating AI within large complex systems

This post is from guest blogger Kishen Mahadevan, Product Marketing. Kishen helps customers understand AI, deep learning and reinforcement learning concepts and technologies. In this post, Kishen... 更多内容 >>

Synthetic Image Generation using GANs

This post is from Oge Marques, PhD and Professor of Engineering and Computer Science at FAU. Oge is a Sigma Xi Distinguished Speaker, book author, and AAAS Leshner Fellow. He also happens to be a... 更多内容 >>

MATLAB’s Best Model: Deep Learning Basics

This post is from Heather Gorr, MATLAB product marketing. You can follow her on social media:,, @HeatherGorr, and @heather-gorr-phd. This blog post follows the fabulous... 更多内容 >>

Handling very large images in medical imaging applications

This post is from Oge Marques, PhD and Professor of Engineering and Computer Science at FAU. Oge is a Sigma Xi Distinguished Speaker, book author, and AAAS Leshner Fellow. He also happens to be a... 更多内容 >>

Digital Twins and the Evolution of Model-based Design 2

This post is from Ajit Jaokar. Based in London, Ajit's work spans research, entrepreneurship and academia relating to artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT). Ajit works as a... 更多内容 >>

Deeper Dive Videos on Deep Learning 1

You've seen thousands of deep learning introductory videos like "What is AI?" Another AI Video! (My personal favorite) Click the robot for a quick 3 minute video on AI. And I truly hope... 更多内容 >>

Top 5 Examples on GitHub you should know about

Did you know MATLAB has a GitHub page? I went to see the site for myself, and it now has over 200 repositories, and quite a few deep learning-related projects. Below are 5 deep learning examples you... 更多内容 >>

Auto-Categorization of Content using Deep Learning

This post is from Anshul Varma, developer at MathWorks, who will talk about a project where MATLAB is used for a real production application: Applying Deep Learning to categorize MATLAB... 更多内容 >>

MathWorks Wins Geoscience AI GPU Hackathon

The following post is from Akhilesh Mishra, Mil Shastri and Samvith V. Rao from MathWorks here to talk about their participation and in a Geoscience hackathon. Akhilesh and Mil are Applications... 更多内容 >>

Jumpstart your DCASE Challenge 2021 using MATLAB

The following post is from Brian Hemmat, Audio Signal Processing Developer at MathWorks. The Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) community creates a yearly workshop... 更多内容 >>

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