%% Colors & Sizes
pc = '#faca00'; % petal color
sc = '#97b580'; % stem color
np = 6; % number of petals.
tr = .23; % Radius of trumpet
nruf = 10; % number of trumpet ruffles
sruf = .03; % size of trumpet ruffles
sr = .05; % radius of the stem
%% Unit circle arrays
n = np*50+1; % Theta resolution
theta = linspace(0,2,n);
nr = 20; % Radus resolution
r = linspace(0,1,nr)';
%% Petals
PR = r .* ((1-abs(1-mod(theta*np, 2)))/2+.5);
PX = PR .* cospi(theta);
PY = PR .* sinpi(theta);
PZ = r.^3*.05+hypot(PX,PY)*.2;
% Face our flower sideways by swapping Y&Z
%% Trumpet
flute = flip(1-r*.3);
ruffle = ((cospi(theta*nruf)+2)*sruf).*(linspace(0,1,nr)'.^5);
ruffle2 = ((cospi(theta*nruf*3)+2)*sruf/3).*(linspace(0,1,nr)'.^9);
TR = tr*flute + ruffle + ruffle2;
%% Stem
SR = sr .* ones(nr,1);
%% Configure Axes & Lighting
set(gca,'YDir','reverse','Projection','perspective','Visible','off','DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1])
light('Position',[.5 .5 2],'Color','w');
lighting g
material([.8 .9 .2 2 .4])
view([-40 20]);
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