Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Getting notified about new blog posts

If you are like me, you never remember to check web sites you are following for new content. I prefer to be automatically notified, somehow, whenever something new is posted. For blogs and other kinds of regularly-updated web site material, the technology of choice is called the RSS feed. Basically, you use a software package, sometimes called a feed reader or feed aggregator, that shows you a condensed list of new content. Feed readers are designed to help you survey and skim a lot of content quickly. There are lots of good software choices out there; the one I'm currently using is Mozilla Thunderbird. The RSS feed for my blog is over to the right, underneath my picture, in the red box with "RSS" inside it. If you click on the box, you'll probably see some raw-looking XML code appear on your screen. That's because the link is meant for your feed reader; it isn't normally meant to be viewed on its own. If you Google around you can find many different introductions to RSS and feed readers. Here's a related new trick I learned recently. The IEEE provides RSS feeds for its journals. I just added the RSS feed for articles in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing to my feed reader. If you start at the IEEE web page, then to Publications/Journals & Magazines, and then to the Transactions on Image Processing, the RSS link is in the red box. If you're not interested in RSS and want to stick to e-mail, we recently added e-mail notification to MathWorks blogs. If you want to receive e-mail whenever I post to this blog, see the instructions on the right, underneath my picture.
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