Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Reader challenge: Custom spatial transformations

Were you intrigued by the custom spatial transformations I showed last week? Here's a challenge for you: Create a sample image transformation that is in some way creative, interesting, or just plain fun to look at. Use maketform('custom',...) and imtransform. Send an M-file script that demonstrates the idea to I'll pick the best ones, using a procedure carefully designed to be scientifically invalid, and show them on the blog.

You can either use a sample image that ships with the Image Processing Toolbox (look in toolbox/images/imdemos), or you can attach your own sample image. (Keep the attachments under 100 KB, please.) Note: If you send me an image, it should be one that you own. By sending it to me, you are giving me permission to publish it on this blog.

I'll take submissions until August 18, 2006.

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