Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Spatial transformations chapter in new edition of Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

In January 2006, the first month of this blog, I wrote the following:

"Section 5.11 of Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB covers spatial transformations. I'm interested in expanding this material to a full chapter. I'd like to use this blog to explore these topics and get your feedback about them."

Well that's what happened. I wrote a whole series of posts about spatial transformations, and you provided lots of good feedback.

Now the 2nd edition of Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB is finally available! And it has a brand new chapter called Geometric Transformations and Image Registration. This chapter was my biggest contribution to the new edition.

Here are the chapter contents:

Chapter 6: Geometric Transformations and Image Registration
6.1 Transforming Points
6.2 Affine Transformations
6.3 Projective Transformations
6.4 Applying Geometric Transformations to Images
6.5 Image Coordinate Systems in MATLAB
6.5.1 Output Image Location
6.5.2 Controlling the Output Grid
6.6 Image Interpolation
6.6.1 Interpolation in Two Dimensions
6.6.2 Comparing Interpolation Methods
6.7 Image Registration
6.7.1 Registration Process
6.7.2 Manual Feature Selection and Matching Using cpselect
6.7.3 Inferring Transformation Parameters Using cp2tform
6.7.4 Visualizing Aligned Images
6.7.5 Area-Based Registration
6.7.5 Automatic Feature-Based Registration

I wrote about many of these topics here in the blog first.

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