Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Survey on code reuse by MATLAB users

MathWorker Ned Gulley, whom some of you may know from his involvement in the MATLAB Contest, met Chris Scaffidi recently. Chris is a researcher at Oregon State specializing in "end-user programming." From what I understand, this term refers to programming by people who don't think of themselves as programmers.

One of Chris' research topics is code reuse. Chris says, "I am studying how people choose to reuse each other's code (or not), and reuse of MATLAB code would be extremely interesting. The goal is to understand how people decide whether to reuse code, whether different kinds of people are more or less predisposed to reuse, and how people decide whose code to reuse."

Chris has set up a survey page for MATLAB users. The survey asks about not just mathematical analysis tools like MATLAB, but also some other tools like animation and spreadsheet tools in order to establish a baseline.

Many of us at MathWorks are very interested in research like this because we think it can help us understand and serve our users better.

Do you have a few minutes to help Chris out with his research? Then give the online survey a try.


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